Keshav & Nikki - Cycling for NHS Heroes
Myself Keshav and Nikki, Cycling 40 laps every day in our School Parking to raise funds for NHS charities in support of our National Heroes fighting Corona Virus.
We are aiming to cycle 500 laps in our School Car Park in next 3 weeks and raise £250 .
Note: We live near to our School (Goldsworth Primary School) which is less than 5 mins walk. We also make sure we maintain social distancing (as per government guidelines).
If you want to see us cycling, please watch below youtube videos, uploaded by my dad by end of every day.
YouTube Link:
19/04/2020 (50 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/G6kOerKV0Vs
20/04/2020 (100 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/wt3UVkCOIkg
21/04/2020 (150 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/hwgDgh7tObw
23/04/2020 (200 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/3Q4RWmDYczY
24/04/2020 (250 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/wt3UVkCOIkg
25/04/2020 (300 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/9Cs8JphQP68
26/04/2020 (350 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/OKujzZLzw6M
27/04/2020 (400 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/ATIGrbVHX6U
01/05/2020 (450 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/fovl4DLSVOc
03/05/2020 (500 laps completed) : https://youtu.be/PW8e3O-coIU
About Us :
Name: Keshav
Year 2 (Bats Class)
Goldsworth Primary School, Woking
Name: Nikhilesh (Nikki)
Year 1 (Foxes Class)
Goldsworth Primary School, Woking
Do you want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money in aid of NHS Charities Together /Association of NHS Charities and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.
More information about NHS Charities Together /Association of NHS Charities: Helping the NHS do more. NHS Charities Together: Supports and champions the work of NHS Charities. Give 1 million pounds every day to the NHS improving patient care and experience. Fund major capital projects, pioneering research and medical equipment at our hospitals, helping patients access the best possible care when they need it most. Play a key role in mobilising volunteers to support NHS staff, brightening wards and waiting areas. Build an important link between our hospitals and communities.