Kevin Craft's Miracle Medical Fund
*I want to thank our amazing Aunt Marilyn for writing almost all our updates for us* On July 4th, 2017, when families look forward to getting together with loves ones all over the country, our world came to a crashing halt. Kevin Craft, the love of Peggy's life since she was 14 years old and the father of two wonderful sons (who are just like their dad!) suffered a massive heart attack. Kevin coded 3 times in the ER and another 8 times in the Cath Lab that day, 2 more in the ICU. At one point the doctors performed chest compressions for 23 minutes. He was then stabilized and life flighted to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh where he remained for 24 days in the critical care unit. Currently, he is in an Acute Care Hospital in Wheeling, WV and will be for weeks to months before a lifetime of rehab.
Kevin had two successful stents placed in his heart after the attack. Currently most of the issues are with his brain due to the lack of oxygen during those 23 minutes. He suffered extensive brain damage and may have lost all of his eyesight.
The good news is that Kevin survived!!! We know he has an incredibly long road ahead of him. He will need to learn to walk, talk, swallow, and adjust to his eyesight. While we continue to see small improvements day to day and are hopeful for a good recovery, we are realistic in knowing he will have limitations.
After many requests the Craft's have decided to set up this Go Fund Me page to help with all the medical bills and expenses they are incurring. They know many of you have already given the family countless gifts, cards, dinners, and flowers, and we want to thank each of you for your tremendous generosity.
From the bottom of our family's heart we could not have gotten through this most difficult time without your love, encouragement, and constant prayers. Truly there are no better people deserving of our gratitude and love than all of you. May God bless you all!
Kevin, Peggy, Tanner & Hunter