Support Syrian refugees in Lebanon
With the help of Random Act, Legacy of War Foundation has been supporting vulnerable refugees since 2016. We have provided housing, food and education to families who otherwise lacked access to the most basic necessities. Now, we are urgently raising funds so we can continue supporting families like Khawla's, who have incredibly complex needs as a result of conflict.
In 2016 a trip to Lebanon was to change Giles Duley's work and life forever. Returning two years after a previous trip documenting some of Syria's most vulnerable refugees, he wanted to see what had changed for the families he had met. He had hoped the photographs he'd taken in that first visit would help get them the assistance they needed; but on his return he was to find nothing had changed.

It was that moment that led Giles to realise he could no longer just be a photographer and advocate: he knew he also had make sure that real and sustained change would happen for the families and communities he worked with. So on his return to the the UK he formed the Legacy of War Foundation to help people rebuild their lives after conflict.

Legacy of War Foundation is often asked how a problem as big and complex as the refugee crisis can be solved. For us, it isn't that complicated. These families need somewhere safe to live. They need food, electricity and medical care: things many of us take for granted. And most importantly, they need access to education and the chance to empower themselves. Legacy of War Foundation has provided these things since 2016, with the help of the brilliant folk at Random Act.
Some families have been relocated to Europe. Khouloud's, for example, are now living in Holland with LoWF's support - we recently purchased the family a wheelchair accessible van. You can read more about Khouloud's story here.

Others, like Khawla's, remain in Lebanon. And with the economy in crisis , the situation has changed: in some areas, living costs have almost doubled since 2016 and our initial funding has nearly run out. We now urgently need to raise £40000 to fund the next three months of the programme, while we consider how best to support these families in the long run.

This is the generation that will have to rebuild Syria. Without this support, the future for children like Khawla is bleak.
This crowdfunder will ensure that families like Khawla's are supported in the coming months.
£17 will pay for a vulnerable family's electricity for one month.
£48 provides a week's food shopping for an entire family.
Legacy of War Foundation believes in developing localised, beneficiary-led programs to support communities affected by conflict. Our work includes prosthesis development and training; education, advocacy and art projects; and Land for Women, our innovative land transfer and cooperative farming program. To find out more, please visit our website.
Every penny raised through these appeals will go directly to supporting refugees in Lebanon: the Foundation does not take administrative costs from these funds.
Giles Duley
Legacy of War Foundation