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Kian Ryan Coen

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With sadness and a heavy heart I am asking the community to come together for the Coen family... again. As many of you know, this family has already been through hell and back after losing their 18 month old, Kyla. The family is now suffering the devastating loss of their second child, Kian. 

Vacaville let’s come together again for them. They need us more than ever. This fund will help them not have to worry or be burdened with ANY financial problem right now, as that should be their last worry. 

I am a dear friend of this familyand the money from this fundraiser will be sent directly to them as they are the beneficiary to this GoFundMe account. The money that is raised will cover anything the need, funeral expenses, financial burdens, hospital bills, and hopefully givethem some financial freedom so they can focus on their family during this time and especially their baby girl Kira. 

please continue to scroll to read full story from Kians daddy.

Shared from
Stephen Coen... 

“I never thought in a million years I would have to do this again. Unfortunately, it is necessary to explain what has happened and what is happening with our family. As always, I feel it is best everyone hears it straight from me rather than word of mouth or guesses as to what happened.

Today we had to ask our rainbow baby, our savior from the darkness, our ray of sunshine sent from heaven, our gravity to our whole world, Kian to give up fighting and join his sister KyBear, his uncle Bart, his great Nana, his great grandpa Pepe, and so many other family members that watch over us from heaven. He fought for 3 days with every ounce of his will and surprised every doctor here that said it wasn’t possible. I will explain in detail what has happened not only for the right story to be told, but also so I don’t have to relive the nightmare of having to try to save a second one of my children from leaving me forever, unsuccessfully . It is easier for everyone to read it here so I don’t have to say it out loud as much as possible. Because this one I don’t know how to come back from I couldn’t save both my babies that needed me.

Friday Feb 12th was a normal day as ever, we both were super tired because Kira was restless all night the night before. We were playing with Kian and Kira all morning, because neither of us had work that day. We played until it was time for nap time so Alicia and Kira laid down on the couch, because Kira wanted to fall asleep on momma like always! So Kian and I were still playing like usual because he is my twin inside and out and his motor does NOT stop!

So Kians new favorite thing to do is to use a straw to blow bubbles in the cup rather than actually drinking the liquid So I start working on cleaning the dishes, when Kian decides pull up a toy box he uses as his step stool lately‍♂️‍♂️he pulls it up to the sink to stand on, so he can reach the sink like me He stands tall on his toy beside me and looks at me with this big trouble maker grin. He then pulls out this straw he had stashed behind his back, sticks it in a dirty dish full of dirty water in the sink, and blew bubbles in it...I said “gross Kian!” And I stopped him immediately..I then got him a clean cup and put some clean water in it and put it on the floor so he could blow his bubbles safely and with clean water til the cows come home.

He was having a blast! Laughing at his cup every time he blew the bubbles, but I could tell he was ready for a nap like sissy because he kept taking breaks and laying down like he was tired for a second only to pop up with an energy burst to act like he’s not tired. So I pick him up and he smiles so big at me and lays his head down because he’s spoiled and gets rocked to sleep EVERYTIME he goes to sleep

I start rockin him and intermittently, between laying on my shoulder and trying to fall asleep, he would pop up and smile at me right in my face like he was playing a game with me..I keep laughing with him and rubbing his back telling him softly it’s nappy time.. he finally falls asleep on me so I bring him to our room to lay down with him..(because if I just put him down and leave him, he wakes right up like he never fell asleep like “your not leaving me dad!”)

So I lay with him in bed, scratching his back for about 5-10 he is falling closer to sleep he still peaks at me every so often and smiles, then lays back down until finally he falls into a deeper sleep for nap time. So I cover his naked butt with a sheet because he is wild and crazy and always has to be naked ‍♂️‍♂️ no matter how hard we try to keep clothes on him he refuses to keep them on longer than 5-10 minutes..‍♂️‍♂️

So once he’s down for sure sleeping I then go out to the backyard to finish a half of a black and mild cigar I had smoked some of in the morning...I’m outside and away from him for no more than 15 minutes...I would honestly say closer to 10 minutes if I had to pick an exact amount of time I was away from him with 15 minutes being the max amount of time I actually was not next to him..

as soon as I’m done, I go to check on him to make sure he’s still sleeping and not awake again for whatever reason (Since Kyla passed away, we check on the kids while they’re sleeping, awake, or anything CONSTANTLY really to make sure they are ok because we are permanently in fear of losing one of them again after losing Kyla.)

When I check on him I notice he had a decent size drool spot which was very abnormal for him. It made me get closer to him to make sure he is ok and that’s when I realized his stomach didn’t seem to be flexing at all for breathes and he may not actually be breathing. He wasn’t discolored really at first glance but when I picked him up he was completely limp..which sent me into full panic and response mode!!

I yell at the top of my lungs “CALL 911! I don’t think Kian is breathing!!” Once I get 911 on the phone I begin CPR because I cannot find a pulse or a breathe..after two rounds of cpr compressions the police showed up to take over. From this point Kian is in full fight mode for his life!! They then rushed Kian to VacaValley hospital in town, while getting compressions still en route, trying to get his heart beat back. They were finally successful in getting his vitals and heart beat back at Vaca Valley where they then air lifted Kian to Oakland Childrens Hospital where he began the hardest fight for his life.

5 Hours later we finally get word that they have Kian stable and we can finally see him but doctor needed to explain everything before we see him. (I will need to do another post to explain the bs that happened with us not being able to leave right away to be close to him, and instead have to wait over 3 hours just to be in the same hospital as him and still not even with him )

When we sit down with the doctor he begins to explain everything I just did, about what happened with Kian in transition, the whole way up until he was in his care. Once in his care, the doctor explained that his heart had stopped for whatever reason when he went down for a nap..which to this moment the doctors say there is absolutely no evidence of what could of caused this other than the fact Kian was Covid positive which he hadn’t showed us any signs he that was a huge shock to us!! So now, because he was without oxygen to the brain for however long from when his heart stopped until VacaValley was able to get his heartbeat back, it caused major swelling in his brain and is basically now on life support with only brain stem activity functioning allowing his heart to beat and blood to flow basically is how i understood it.

He then explained the swelling is so bad that it is his determination that Kians brain swelled past the point of saving and is only a matter of time before he is not able to fight anymore. He basically says the part of the brain that makes Kian...well, Kian like personality wise and such, is the part that saw the most damage..He then began to explain how Kian is DNR (Do not resuscitate) and is only in a fight to keep his heart beating to be with us longer and most likely will not make it through the first night.

They don’t know why this has happened or what made his heart stop while he was sleeping. Toxicity screens are clean, so he didn’t get into anything he shouldn’t have (which I knew already wholeheartedly because I was with him every second that morning playing harder and longer than I had energy to do)..his heart was then thoroughly checked with a children’s heart specialist, which said it was one of the strongest and good looking hearts he has seen in a two year old..he also said that he did not see anything, not one thing, that would lend him to believe there’s any evidence of what caused this that he could see..Kian did end up being Covid positive but they keep emphasizing there isn’t any evidence that covid was the reason either. But for us if there’s no explanation in time after everything has been thoroughly investigated, and knowing how little we know about Covid in children, Alicias momma instincts is telling her somehow Covid had something to do with this...there’s no way the doctors have no explanation for what caused his heart to stop, ZERO, and him being positive for Covid is just a coincidence that is too glaring to ignore.

So before all eggs are in the Covid basket.. of course an autopsy will be performed that could possibly give us an answer but our doctor said he said the chances are actually less probable it will provide an answer. As they know already the heart did stop which caused swelling in the brain, which ultimately caused his death. For there to be evidence to why the heart stopped is a coin toss...the next step and final step in trying to figure out the cause is gene and chromosome testing to see if he has some freak heart genome that’s not right or duplicate chromosome or something hereditary, anything that would tell us why this happened. (I’m probably getting all the terminology wrong here) that will take weeks to get any kind of results or answers from. So until then we pray we do get answers for what caused this so I can protect my youngest Kira from any harm that could happen...not knowing what happened to cause Kians heart to stop is literally goi no to tear us apart if we don’t know for sure to protect Kira.

Today we will be saying goodbye to Kian and let him stop fighting so he is not in pain or under any stress anymore for our please say prayers that God and our loved ones in heaven greet him with open arms, accept him into the light peacefully, protect him in his passing from any pain or stress, and lastly pray to guide him on how to show us he’s with us still after he’s passed. Pray he visits us and watches over us because we will need him to show us he’s watching to give us strength to hold it together for Kira!!

Thank you to anyone that found out what is happening before this and reached out to help us, it means a lot having so much support all the time throughout our lives..we don’t know where we would be without all you amazing souls we are lucky enough to have in our lives..we do not understand, we cannot even begin to contemplate what we did to ever deserve this amount of pain in our life or why this has happened to us... we know deep down, whole heartedly that this world is such a dark place for such a strong positive light of energy that Kian is. We know he WILL be in the better place and we are the ones living in hell!! He did not deserve this, all our loved ones did not deserve this, and his sister Kira didn’t deserve to lose her big brother!!! It’s just not fair!!
#KianRyan #HeavenSent #OurMiracle”



  • Sergio Meza
    • $20
    • 3 yrs
  • Alianna Aviles
    • $30
    • 4 yrs
  • Lauren Johnston
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Mark Wright
    • $50
    • 4 yrs
  • Erika Thi Patterson
    • $50
    • 4 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Liz Goodreau
Vacaville, CA
Alicia Gagnon

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