Kicks For Kids Across The World
Donation protected
NEW SHOES GIVEN: 2,091 as of March 21, 2025
Our mission was to spread love and put shoes on kids living in poverty across the world. Founded in South Africa but working across the globe we are here to spread love through giving, love and letting people know that Lord God is real! Kicks For Kids is a registered Non-Profit organization.
August 2nd, 2021
We had the opportunity to put shoes on kids in Cartagena, Colombia! From here we are going to Costa Rica! The average cost of shoes is about $10, your donation in any amount is appreciated. Thank you!
June 2021
Help kids living in townships (shacks) in Cape Town, South Africa. Being Americans we have so much to give and myself Brashaad Mayweather living here in Cape Town it has touched my heart to help the homeless and less fortunate by blessing them with new shoes. Kids should not go without shoes and clothing therefore I've started this Go Fund Me to help the little kids have new school shoes and everyday shoes here in South Africa. Your help would mean the world to them. Just around $20 can purchase a pair of shoes or two which is an AMAZING gift to kids and their parents. Please contribute your $20 - $1,000 and make a HUGE difference here in Cape Town, South Africa. NEWS ARTICLES: Cape Argus: https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/watch-us-actor-brashaad-mayweather-aids-fire-victims-17615792South Africa Breaking News: https://goo.gl/8Q7JJ4MSN World News:https://www.msn.com/en-za/entertainmentUp to date news on my Instagram: www.instagram.com/Brashaad Remember the biggest thing you can do for the Lord is Charity. It will all come back 10 fold...
Brashaad Mayweather
Los Angeles, CA