Kindness for Corrine
Donation protected
11.5 years ago Corrine was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. After ultrasounds, extensive bloodwork, and a biopsy her doctor had no concrete reason why her kidneys appeared to be failing. Kidney research has changed a lot in the last few years, and through genetic testing, we recently discovered she has an extremely rare genetic mutation that causes eventual kidney failure in all who possess it. The great news about this is that this mutation will not affect her new kidney (when she receives it).
While her insurance covers the surgery for her and her life-saver, aka donor, it doesn't cover travel expenses, food, lodging, missed work, etc. As there are no transplant centers in Idaho, she will have to travel to Intermountain Medical Center in Utah to receive her transplant once a donor is found. She will have to be there anywhere from 4-6 weeks, assuming nothing goes wrong (organ rejection, infection, the list is long here...). Because of the current strain on her body, she's had to stop teaching yoga, and because of the all-consuming time restraints of starting dialysis, she's had to cut her other jobs/gigs way back as well. The financial strain of a chronic health condition is far greater than we ever imagined.
Corrine's partner Ryan will be accepting donations for her and alotting them for support. This may include paying bills while she begins dialysis and waits for her kidney transplant. It will go towards eventual travel and living expenses for both Corrine and her donor when it is time for us to make the trek to Utah for this life-saving procedure. It will go towards medical expenses (medications, etc.) not covered by insurance.
What she needs most is a new kidney. If you or someone you know is interested in being a donor you can fill out the application form HERE . Her date of birth is 11/06/1981. Not a match for Corrine? You can still help her get her perfect kidney. Intermountain offers paired donation meaning you donate to start a chain reaction that brings her perfect kidney to her!
If you'd like to learn more about kidney donation, read more of Corrine's story, learn about the differences between a living and cadaver donor, etc., please join our Facebook Group.
A note from Corrine, "If this experience has taught me one thing, it's that there's no way forward without the support of others. So, thank you."
Corrine, Ryan, and Family
Fundraising team (3)
Corrine Hathaway
Garden City, ID
Ryan Aja
Jess Travis
Team member
Blythe Nichols
Team member