KidsBridge 2017: #TheBridgeWeCross
Welcome to Academia Avance Charter School's #THEBRIDGEWECROSS Tour crowdfunding page! Our aim is to garner donor support for our"KidsBridge" East Coast tour, slated May 2017.
What's KidsBridge? The short of it: Leadership, civic engagement, coalition building and professional development.
Avance's KidsBridge program for college-bound seniors, prepares its students by providing rigorous A-G coursework and internships in a professional setting, through strategic partnerships with local businesses, nonprofits and government offices. KidsBridge fosters students' individual college and university goals, helps our Seniors to gain job skills, develop leadership ability; as well as educate students about current events in politics, policy, arts and culture as it pertains to the topic of focus for the year. It's our hope that KidsBridge students will aspire toward academic excellence, become positively
engaged citizens in their community, and thrive in personal and professional environments.
This year’s class theme, #TheBridgeWeCross and mission, is to study water contamination issues in select cities, explore community and government (public) engagement strategies, as well as policy effected in each community; specifically the PFOA contamination issue at the village of Hoosick Falls, NY, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Mohawk Nation 1990 "Oka Crisis" in Canada.
A culminating trip to Hoosick Falls, NY and the St. Regis Mohawk Nation, Canada will be directed mid May 2017, by course Instructors and select parent Volunteers. A delegation of approximately 60 senior students will travel to the East Coast for this journey.
However, in order for our Seniors to reach their travel goals, we need support from our community at large. Here’s how you can help:
· Donate now to this Crowdfunding website. $5? $25? $100? $5,000? We appreciate any amount you can afford. You can also give as many times as you like while our campaign is active. Our goal is to meet our online funding by May 1st!
· Share this campaign with your social media network(s) and after you make a donation, challenge your friends to match yours! (Don't forget to follow & like us to get updates in real time. Retweet or share our posts any time you can.)
· Mail a check to Academia Avance Charter School (115 N. Avenue 53 LA, CA. 90042). Add the following memo, "KidsBridge 2017," to check.
· Join as a Tour Sponsor and receive exclusive perks at our #TheBridgeWeCross upcoming fundraising event scheduled April 2017 (more info coming soon).
· Commit to an in-kind donation, valued at $25 or more, to support #TheBridgeWeCross fundraising event this spring. This is the perfect way to promote your artwork, restaurant, boutique or other stellar business services in the neighborhood!
Help us to accomplish our mission to raise $20k (of 30k needed) by May 1st! Every $1 earned will help our Highland Park-based students to realize their goal to travel to the East Coast (debt free!) and to bring their academic year-long studies full circle. (Look out for updates about our fundraising event on April 2017 - save the date!)
Avance's Class of 2017 greatly appreciates any contribution you may make at this time or in the near future. Thank you for your consideration!
Our story ...
Academia Avance is an independent community-based charter public school serving 400+ students in grades 6th – 12th. Founded in 2005, Avance was the first charter school established in the historic Highland Park community of Northeast Los Angeles. The student body is 98% Latino and over 80% will become first generation college students in their family.
Our mission...
To set the standard for public charter school excellence via rigorous college and career preparation that inspires a life time of learning and leading.
Our future is bright...
· Avance has graduated seven classes with 300+ alumni
· Class of 2016 had 80% enrolled in college, with a majority to 4-year institutions.
· 70% of our Alumni persisted into their second college year.
These college outcomes exceed state and national trends particularly for Latinos!
Learn more about Academia Avance Charter School at http://www.academiaavance.org!
***Please note: Donations made through the school's website go directly to school's general fund, NOT our KidsBridge #TheBridgeWeCross trip. To guarantee that your donation goes to ourKidsBridge campaign, please use this website. Thank you!***