Kim Bates recovery
As many of you know Kimberly Bates
of Milford suffered a major life changing event in April. Prior to this event, Kim spent many years working for the Milford school district. Kim was an avid kayaker and worked out at Hampshire Hills several times a week. Kim took pride in keeping herself healthy and in shape to keep up with all her grandchildren, in which she treasured.
On Easter Sunday, April 4th, Kimberly Bates a life long resident of Milford, was hosting Easter brunch and running around the yard with her grandchildren. Kim was suffering from a headache throughout the day but attributed that to lack of sleep, as she was recently going through a sleep study to diagnose her sleeping issues. Monday morning she woke as normal and went to an exercise class at Hampshire Hills. During her morning workout everything changed. She passed out and became unresponsive and was given cpr . Kim was transported to Southern NH in nashua by ambulance. There, they found that she had suffered a massive stroke leading to a brain bleed.
Kim was only briefly treated at Southern NH medical center. Kims husband Bryan felt Kim needed to be elsewhere and requested that she be transferred. Kim was transported via helicopter to Lahey Hospital in Burlington, MA. From there the doctors tried to figure out where the brain bleed was coming from. They opened her scull to try to find the bleed but were still unsuccessful. While running many tests and procedures, Kim remained in a coma for several weeks.
After letting her brain rest during that time, Kim started to slowly open her eyes. Since then Kim has slowly made progress to gain some strength back. While at Lahey Hospital, she has had many costly procedures including many CT scans, MRIs, tracheotomy and a feeding tube. Kim has a long road ahead of her and will need medical care for the unforeseen future.
Bryan , Kims husband is trying to balance work and traveling to Boston to see Kim every day. Bryan is still working full time due to not having any time off since he, himself, was out of work for a great deal of 2020 dealing with diverticulitis. We are hoping In the near future, to have Kim home with us. Kim will need some home care and ongoing physical therapy for the foreseeable future. We will need to renovate the downstairs of their home they have lived in for the past 30 years, to accommodate the space to be wheelchair accessible. They will also need to purchase a new vehicle that is wheelchair friendly.
Kim is currently at Spaulding rehab facility in Boston and is practicing her fine motor skills, sitting, transferring from wheelchair to bed and walker assisted walking.
We are all praying and hoping for the best outcome for Kim and her beautiful family.
Running around with her grandchildren, kayaking, going for walks with her husband and working out, are all things that Kim loves to do. Kim has a very long road ahead but with the help of family, friends and the community, donating to this Go Fund Me will help with the obstacles ahead.