Kimberly Coley, medical and living expenses.
One of the kindest, dearest people is in
need of help. She’s always there to lend a helping hand, no questions asked
Kimberly was admitted to the hospital
Sunday night and within 4 hours was in
surgery. She is now in the ICU at
Good Samaritan hospital in Puyallup.
Kimberly was diagnosed with
Necrotizing Fasciitis or commonly know as “flesh eating disease” this is very rare, around 20,000 cases per year in the
United States.
This diagnosis for Kimberly is most
overwhelming and definitely going to be a long process. She could possibly be
looking at being in the hospital for weeks to months and then months of rehab.
Needless to say, the bills still come every month. She’s not the kind of person to
ask for help, it’s not her way. But, for
someone who gives so much of herself,
I’m asking on her behalf. She is in dire
need of our help and monetary stress is
not helpful in her recovery.
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