Kindred Cycle Growth
Kindred Cycle LLC is a fitness and wellness organization devoted to raising money to sustain itself as well as support and grow it’s sister organization, Kindred Mothers. We are growing, expanding and planning for our future! And someday soon we will need to build a new fitness location to suit our needs. We’d like to increase our capacity to raise funds as well as grow our maternal center.
Our dream is to increase our current offerings to support maternal mental health and early childhood mental health. In order to achieve this, we would love a space that is child and mother friendly; a place that is safe, warm and nurturing! Working at full capacity in a larger space will allow us to add things like a dedicated fitness studio room, a childcare room, space for mothers to sit and connect as well as a baby changing and a nursing station. We have the community, we have the equipment, we need a home.
More info below on our sister organization:
Kindred Mothers serves new, experienced & expectant mothers by creating a network of education, support, connection and shared experience. We exist to provide a space where all mothers can gather to connect, receive intellectual, educative and emotional support, as well as share experiences in a positive and nurturing environment.
When you donate send an email with your donation amount to [email redacted] and you’ll receive the following!
Donate $10 and you’ll receive a car decal
$50 : receive a car decal & a water bottle
$100 : receive a car decal, water bottle & tank top
$200: receive a car decal, water bottle, tank top & a private birthday ride
$500 : receive a car decal, water bottle, tank top, a private birthday ride & 1mo unlimited classes with guest passes
$1,000 : receive a car decal, water bottle, tank top, private birthday ride, pre-reserved bike & a 3month membership with guest passes
$5,000 : receive a car decal, water bottle, tank top, private birthday ride, pre-reserved bike, 1 year membership and a donor plaque in our new facility
$10,000 Grant : receive a car decal, water bottle, tank top, private birthday ride, your name on a bike, sweatshirt, 1 year membership, donor plaque with dedication party.