Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

King/Bartlett Family Home Fire Fund

Spende geschützt
On Wednesday, July 19th, Dot King as well as Billy & Cindy Bartlett experienced a devastating house fire. They are blessed to be unharmed! All of their personal items such as important medications as well as clothing were destroyed and they made it out with only what they were wearing.  They need our help until insurance kicks in to help replace these items. It will take days to get assistance from insurance.

We are asking you to please open your hearts in aiding the family with any amount of donation you can provide at this time.  Anything you can give will help! Our love and prayers are with the King/Bartlett family.

Thank you!


  • Betty Black
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Melissa Hubbard
Newnan, GA
Cynthia King

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