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Kinsley's Kicking Cancer

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11 month old, Kinsley Green has just been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Her parents, David and Megan knew something was wrong when their happy, smiley, giggly baby girl began to act sick. They knew in their hearts something was not right and continued to press the doctors to look further. This is when Kinsley was sent to the hospital for what was thought to be a blood infection, and hours later found out it was Leukemia. Megan (mom) is having to take leave from her job to stay with Kinsley while she receives 5 weeks of chemo, and will be in the hospital the majority of the next 6 months. David (dad) is driving back and forth from Birmingham to Huntsville, where he is a football coach at Jemison High School, to help take care of sweet Kinsley, while also providing for their family during these trials. 
     Megan, David, and Kinsley need YOUR help! They have medical expenses, gas expenses, and living expenses. All of this was very sudden and unplanned and any thing you can give will help!
Megan wants you all to know that after Kinsley's treatment and stay in the hospital, all money left over will go to childhood cancer research!
    Megan and David know that cancer is big, but they also know that the God they serve is BIGGER! They ask that you stand beside them and support them with your prayers over Kinsley and their family. 
     You can follow along with her story here...
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  • Riley Sims
    • 75 $
    • 3 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 100 $
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    • 100 $
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  • Dwight and Leslie Boltz
    • 100 $
    • 5 ans
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    • 10 $
    • 5 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Logan Gilbert
Meadowbrook, AL
Megan Saindon Green

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