In loving memory of Kirsteen King ❤️
Our beautiful and much loved daughter, grand-daughter, sister, auntie and friend, Kirsteen, sadly passed away on the 24th December 2023.
In place of flower donations, we have created a fundraiser in memory of our beautiful girl to raise funds for the invaluable work of Glasgow's Women's Aid.
Anyone who had ever met Kirsteen will know that she was a fierce advocate of the rights of women and that Glasgow held her heart
- wherever life took her - so we felt this was a fitting choice.
Glasgow Women's Aid provides information, support and temporary refuge accommodation to women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse in any of its forms - physical, mental, sexual or financial.
Thank you so much for your donation.
We'll love you forever, Kirsteen ❤️
Clair Grayland
Glasgow Womens Aid