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help a trans girl escape a transphobic home

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Hello, I'm a transgender, immigrant girl living in a small town. I share a tiny two room apartment with parents that are toxic and abusive towards me. I've been going through and to my best ability combating severe depression, anxiety, sexual assault and abuse stemmed traumas and gender dysphoria. And I’d like to ask some of you for help. 

Even though I've been admitted to a mental hospital at the age of 17, due to a suicide attempt. My parents still don't believe that I'm struggling and refuse to become understanding to what I'm going through and help. Not only that, they're generally unsupportive and bigoted to the entirety of the LGBTQ community. Leaving me no choice but to completely hide and suppress who I am on the inside.

Because of the lack of support from my parents I haven't been able to start an HRT treatment or dress/present myself how I want to present myself. Over years I've only been able to just watch my body get gradually ravaged by the testosterone and my gender dysphoria rise to painfully unbearable levels.

The gender dysphoria has gotten simply too painful to live with. I've come to a point in which I simply need to move out and transition or I fear I'll break and become a danger to myself yet again.

If my parents find out about me transitioning, I could face even more abuse and perhaps even direct violence and harm coming from my father. It is a need for me to move out as not only my family would try to stop me from transitioning and they would simply throw me out on the streets if I did. My town is small and not exactly a positive and safe place for trans people to stay in. I need to leave my town, I've already saved up a small amount of money for that but I need further help.

I am actively going to school and looking for paid apprenticeships. Places are closed down and those that aren't simply have rejected me thus far. I've tried getting a job or any other kind of stream of income with no success at all.

Your donations would kindly help to cover: First few rent and living bills until I successfully land a job. Transition related procedures like Laser hair removal and Surgeries. Any other transition relating costs like a new wardrobe etc. Thank you if you’ve donated <3

I'd like to ask anyone that can help to help in any way. If you can't or don't want to donate, please at least think of sharing my story! It'd mean a lot and could completely change my life.

I love you all and thank you if you've read this short summery of what I've been going through. I wish I could tell more but I wouldn't want to make this too long of a read. Again, thank you for your support it really means the world to me.


Ki Z

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