Help the Ringenberger's
I'm sure many of you have heard about the devistating wildfires in California, but this one hits close to home. Every year my brother, PJ, works very long hours getting ready and preparing for the Safeway Open at Silverado Resort in Napa, CA. Laura and the kids are very supportive of him during this time of year and as a result get to enjoy many of the benefits that the tournament brings. This year was no different and as the tournament was wrapping up on Sunday, October 15th and they thought things were just about to start to get back to normal the unfortunate happened. They had to evacuated their home very fast on Sunday evening around 10:30pm leaving with very few possessions. They camped out in a Home Depot parking lot in their car that evening, but they were all safe! Wednesday we found out that their house was completly gone. They were unable to get to their house due to the roads being closed and the fires still being really bad. They finally were able to to get there this afternoon (Wednesday) to see their home gone. They have a friend that has been so generious as to let them stay at their guest studio for the time being, but they left with very little. They have lost everything. I feel helpless being so far away and hope that this is just a small gesture in what I can do to help my family in time of need. I'm hoping they can use this money to help them in the immediate need: food, clothes, housing, etc. I know we all love and adore the Ringenberger family and we will be so greatful for any help you can give.