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Support JackJack's Urgent Surgery

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Hello all, first of all thank you for stopping by. Secondly, I hope I don't get too long winded and you're able to get through this whole thing.
Late last week I discovered a lump under our eldest dog JackJack's front right arm. I didn't think too much of it at first because he's had a lump like this before, several years ago that was just a fluid filled cyst that went away. Well the other night (July 21) it started gushing blood. We were able to slow it enough to get through until morning when I contacted our vet right away. This morning we brought him in, they shaved the area, and cleaned it up. (Side note he also has an open wart right above his butt hole, and while we keep it as clean as possible it's got infected) Vet confirmed the terrible. It's a tumor. The area is quite bruised with a protrusion that is the source of the bleeding. Vet sent us home with antibiotics and is hoping it helps the tumor some. If it doesn't help we are too call her immediately because then JackJack will need surgery sooner to remove the tumor and have it analyzed. That is extremely expensive and way out of our regular budget.
My dogs ARE my only children and are treated as such. Anything you can give we will be incredibly appreciated. If you can't donate that's ok, then I'll beg of you to share this. I can't lose my baby.
Thank you,


  • Jon W
    • $25
    • 1 mo
  • Anónimo
    • $35
    • 2 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 2 mos
  • Elizabeth Gonzales
    • $15
    • 2 mos
  • Kevin Collins
    • $100
    • 2 mos


Melissa K
Milwaukee, WI

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