Knowledge is Power: Fund DSM Leaders of Tomorrow
Knowledge is Power : Fund our DSM Leaders of Tomorrow
“Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.” – George Washington Carver
Hosted by the B.Well Foundation, this fundraiser is striving to raise money to offset the needs for the 33,000 students of Des Moines Public Schools.
School administration, staff and teachers will be able to apply for funds that will directly serve specific needs:
* School supplies (whiteboard markers, backpacks, kleenexes, pencils, notebooks, etc.)
* Program funding to benefit DMPS Students
* Clothing (shoes, winter coats,
socks, leggings, etc. )
* Personal hygiene items (soap, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs)
* And more!
All Knowledge Is Power applications will be considered by and funded through this fundraiser by the B.Well Foundation. More details around the application process and requirements will be released in the coming weeks.
"The Des Moines Public School District has 63 schools, including 38 elementary schools, 11 middle schools, 5 comprehensive high schools, and 10 schools that provide a range of specialized and alternative educational programs." *
DMPS Students:
Certified Enrollment
32,545 students (2019-20 school year)
Programs provided to students of DMPS**:
Free and Reduced Lunch – 76.8%
English Language Learners- 21.0%
Special Education – 15.0%
Help us fund the education of the diverse, brilliant, and creative future leaders we have in Des Moines Public Schools.
Questions? Contact:
Billy Weathers: [email redacted]
Katelyn Stessman: [email redacted]
* https://www.dmschools.org/about/faqs/
** https://www.dmschools.org/about/facts-figures