Help us fund the long live king Kobe foundation go fund me
On December 23rd our beloved, brother, cousin, friend and son,Tayler Kobe Nichols, was senselessly murdered on the streets of Brooklyn. He was on his way to get a holiday haircut with his brother Shane, when two young men got out of a parked car, and started attacking the two brothers. Tyler was fatally stabbed. It became clear to Sherma Chambers, Tyler’s mother, that her mission going forward would be to carry on his name and legacy.
Long Live King Kobe is a Brooklyn base non-profit organization, that's goal is to heal broken families from the intergenerational trauma caused by violence that plague individuals and communities.
Our goal is to open a community center where we can offer a safe haven for families and individuals who have suffered from acts of violence and help them to heal through one-on-one and group sessions. The long live king Kobe foundation is dedicated to providing a safe space for those who are experiencing the trauma of grief by senseless acts of violence.
God Bless