Kokoda Track, Giving some thing back!
Like a lot of random ideas tend to do this one took shape around a fire with a glass of whisky. I've been wanting to walk the Kokoda track for some time and for whatever reason always found an excuse not to. I convinced Bill (my brother) that this was a good idea and a great personal challenge for the two of us to do for his 50th. Whilst his initial reaction was that it sounded like a terrible 50th present he did say yes after a few more whiskeys and then we went recruiting. We've rustled together 7 more prime specimens that are at the peak of their powers. The touring team will be Hugh Rainger, Bill Rainger, Hamish Mcmichael, Toby Mendl, Stu Hordern, Campbell Basnett, Miles Harrison, Craig Durieu and Greg Manton.
Since Georgie and I the kids moved to the Yass region nearly 10 years ago I've developed a far greater understanding and appreciation of what our serving personnel of any institution go through and the sacrifices they make. Having originally not grown up with a huge connection through family or friends to the defence forces we have made an enormous amount of friends in this region who are currently serving, have served or are in some way connected to either. This trek is a very small show of gratitude to all those people and the reason I've decided to make this a fundraiser.
The third piece to this puzzle is great friends of ours, Ben, Marina & Harriet Mcguire who have set up a wonderful organisation called "Remount".
Remount is a not-for-profit organisation delivering horsemanship programs for current and former service men and women and their families, who may be experiencing stress related to their service, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or physical injury. Horses provide a “circuit-breaking” opportunity for people suffering from PTSD, depression, isolation or lack of self-esteem as a result of their service.
In the last couple of years, I have had the immense pleasure to get involved in remount first-hand by donating some horses to assist and also participating in a program myself. It's an incredibly rewarding and moving experience and one that just blows me away with the connection and assistance a horse can give to a human being. To see the genuine care, love and want to help that people like the Mcguiers and their entire crew have is a truly uplifting experience. (link below)
Hopefully, this helps paint a picture of what we're doing, why we're doing it and where your kind donations are going to!! Wish us luck and please give generously.
Hugh Rainger
New South, Wales
Remount Limited