Rehabilitating the world through Art
My name is Kyle J. Marko
I have been given a chance that I beleive I need to take, it is in my very soul to do what's right.
I have travelled to Moldova in Europe in this past October,2016 I travelled to Saskatoon in this past December,2016 In Moldova I helped restore some homes, build gardens and support single mothers with food, food they cannot aford for their children. This experience changed the way I view what I have today. When I travelled to Saskatoon I visted a homeless shelter called "The Light House" a place for refugee for those who cannot find a place to stay, most people steal in order to have shelter and food, in the form of a jail cell.
My Future trips:
Coasta Rica - to help with the conservation of marine life, and understand the impact our carbon emmisions have on it
Big trout lake(Canada) - To empower the Indiginous people, because our government has poisened the water, most reserves don't have clean water.
India - To shine light on the way the elephants are treated, and the rituals and traditions that batter bruise and scar them for life.
South Africa - to live in the safari and understand the way these animals are treated poached, as well as the life that happens in Africa for the native people.
Moldova(this time for a month) -to understand in more depth how, the government treats its citizens and how they're left out in the open, when there is no light in sight, turn to postitution.
Guademala(I'll be supporting a child, through "World Vision") I'll be visiting the child and undertsand the community in his/her village
This documentary will shine light on the impoverished communities but also how the government uses its funds that could potentially help these communities but doesn't. The other aspect of it is Culture,Globalization and animal abuse, this is where Moldova, Costa Rica, South Africa, India and big trout lake searve as a pinnacal point in my documentary.
You contineud support and donations mean the world.
Thank you so much and please anything helps.