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Krysti and Zane

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At 37  I had given up on the whole idea of being a mother. Then on 12-29-2009 I gave birth to the love of my life, my baby boy, Zane. He is by far the best thing I have ever done in my life! Six weeks later I was admitted to the ER. I was unable to breath, so exhausted I could not get out of bed and my heart was racing. I was told i was having Congestive Heart Failure. My heart was pumping at 10%, which immediately makes me think my heart is failing, I am going to die. Who is going to take care of my newborn baby?

A year later I was given a Pacemaker/ Defibrillator and had to take 8 different heart medications.I was diagnosed with Peri-partum Cardiomyopathy(PPCM) and my heart had improved for 7 years to 30%, which is about half of what it should be. I was able to care for my baby boy who has grown into this amazing little boy. I won't lie it was hard, trying to take care of a baby, a house, a husband and working a full time job. I was able to do it with a half working heart for 7 years. Then in 2016 I had 2 bouts of congestive heart failure, I passed out and  was shocked by my defibrillator twice. then in December of 2016 my pacemaker/ defibrillator was replaced with an extra wire attached to my heart. I stopped working in November of 2016, my heart today is pumping at 10%-15%.

I have already been evaluated for a heart transplant. the only things holding me back are MYSELF. I have quit smoking since October, next step is to lose a little weight. Recently a new heart has changed from a "IF" to a "WHEN". Then on February 26,2018 my Zane, my baby, love of my life was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I fought so hard to be his Mother and now this...Duchenne is 100% fatal and there is NO CURE. It is more prevalent in Boys. It destroys their muscles and puts them in a wheelchair by their teens. 

My heart is broken, but I will not give up, He needs me!
My son has beaten all the odds, he had many developmental delays that he conquered. We will always fight together. Due to the amount of medical bills amassed by my heart problems and now with the whole lifestyle change with this Duchenne Diagnosis and medical bills for Zane piling up, we need all the help we can get. I never wanted to ask for help, but i will do ANYTHING to save MY Zane! So please if you are able to give, you would be helping a mother and child with not enough time together in this life.


  • Gabriela Morganti
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Bridget Welte
Imperial, PA
Krysti Barszcz

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