Funeral and Medical for Jason & Kate Pierce
Today I woke up to news of an old friend and family that were in a tragic car accident yesterday as they were headed towards the beach. Jason and Kate had their 2 children in the car. For privacy reasons for the family I will not name their names. According to the news article that was published, the driver in the oncoming lane crossed lanes into them causing the accident. Jason and one juvenile child were pronounced dead at the scene. Kate and the other juvenile child were rushed to local Portland area hospitals.
When I found the news I called the local hospitals in town to find out where Kate was taken and they told me that she was in the Neuro Trauma ICU. After finally reaching the family of Kate, it was confirmed what had happened. Kate and the juvenile child are both in critical condition but are stable at the time of writing this post. I will continue to update as I hear information.
Jason and Kate's families can use all the prayer and support you guys have to offer. This donations will go directly to their families in order to help offset funeral and medical costs.
Family from all over the country are here tending to Katie and Bubba.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.