Instead of posting an update I am re-writing why this gofundme exists. I’ve learned 2 lessons this past week when this was started. 1) the lacrosse community is much more receptive to a donation page if there is social media entertainment surrounding it and 2) that same social media entertainment can get out of hand as the PLL expands beyond the lacrosse community. What started out as chirping in twitter I believe has been escalated and it is now time to distance ourselves from that.
My favorite thing in the world is coaching, especially in areas that don’t have an abundance of college/PLL resources in their backyard. My main message while coaching is that you want to be the best lacrosse player possible, but you never want that to define who you are as a person. When I tell athletes that I hope it resonates, and I spend a significant amount of time thinking of ways to articulate it so that it resonates with them. The characteristics that define you should be much deeper than anything you can accomplish on a lacrosse field. Empathetic. Kind. Caring. Funny. Whatever it may be. What I can’t do, is talk about that while not being a role model myself. This campaign to raise money has nothing to do with social media, on field, or real life rivalries. It has to do with the lacrosse world helping out those that need it. The high risk children in Chicago largely have no idea what lacrosse is or how incredible it can be within their own community. When I visit them i refuse to be the “social media beef” guy. That’s low hanging fruit. Instead, I’d like to talk about what happens if you immerse yourself into the sport of lacrosse and how many lifelong friends/opportunities a game can give you.
That’s the end of my rant and I’ll stop talking about myself now because ITS FOR THE KIDS