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Chip's Medical Fund

Donación protegida
Chip and his family recently moved to Omaha where his wife Jennifer, an alum of the University of Iowa History Department where I work, had taken a job.  Suddenly, an unexpected medical crisis arose requiring doctors to hospitalize Chip so that he could undergo emergency surgery.  Leaving his partner, a new pre-tenure professor, to care for three children, including a pre-schooler, Chip survived and is recovering from a perforated bowel that would have taken his life if the doctors had not acted quickly.  Now, Chip and his family face a long recovery involving four to six months of healing in preparation for a second surgery.  All told, Chip will be out of commission for at least a year, facing short-term, possibly long-term disability.  Medical bills, lost income, unexpected expenses, and uncertainty hang over Chip and his wife, a dear friend and colleague.  I hope to raise money to help them through this crisis with help from friends and family who, like me, don’t want to see them suffer a setback after years of study and hard work to get where they are.  Please give what you can.


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Jacki Rand
Iowa City, IA

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