Help with Funeral Costs
Kynlee was lifelighted to Blank Children’s hospital on July 12th after being intubated on the side of the interstate. She was in respiratory and cardiac distress. During her 7 1/2 week stay at Blank Kynlee was re-trached and still on a vent, her heart was shocked twice to get out of Atrial Flutter, two chest tubes, she started having seizures, countless labs/X-rays, started having GI issues, g/j tube placed & she was newly diagnosed with liver disease and a rare autoimmune disorder. On 9/02 Kynlee was transferred by ambulance to Children’s in Omaha in order to see the GI clinic (they are known for helping with difficult GI issues) & to see the Pediatric Hepatologist (liver specialist). After 54 days in the PICU, we still don’t really have an end in sight.