La Celestina, Mediterranean Cantata
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About Teatro de las Américas:
Teatro de las Américas is a bilingual theatre company that presents live-stage productions to diverse communities across Ventura County, with an emphasis on Spanish language playwrights. Teatro de las Américas´ sustainability is being challenged because, for the first time in five years, we did not get an Arts Grant from the City of Oxnard. Therefore, we are turning to our friends and supporters to raise funds for our next production: the classical Spanish tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas "La Celestina" in a Mediterranean Cantata version by Costa Palamides, the well-known Director, invited again after last year´s successful staging of Federico García Lorca´s “Don Perlimplín with Belisa in her garden” and a duo of Latin American short comedy plays at Teatro de las Américas.
The project:
Celestina uses thousands of artifices to make Melibea fall in love and marry Calisto, a high class young man, madly in love with her. Calisto tells of his impossible love to Sempronio, his servant, who suggests that he resort to the services of the experienced Celestina. Celestina uses her tricks and intercedes and bewitches Melibea, who finally falls madly in love with Calisto. However, the work takes an unexpected and surprising turn.
"In this montage we tell and sing La Celestina through eight gypsies. The work of Fernando de Rojas, which predates the Spanish Golden Age, beyond telling the life of the court and the upper bourgeoisie, like other texts of the genre, is submerged in ‘the underworld’ and also deals with life at the lowest social stratum. It is a Renaissance piece in a good way. It is absolutely humanistic, it speaks of all types of human beings and feelings that there may be on Earth. It has lyrical moments of high flight, wonders are spoken about love and the power of money is condemned “, as explained by Costa Palamides, who has had a close relationship with the piece from an internship of several years in the Classical Theater Company of Madrid . For the director, the main contribution of this adaptation, using an exquisite repertoire of Mediterranean songs, is the transformation of the work into a piece that fits the parameters of musical theater.
La Celestina, a Mediterranean Cantata, will be presented at Oxnard and Los Angeles theaters in a three week season during the month of September, 2018. Venues to be announced soon.
We need YOU to join US!
We encourage you to support us on this extraordinary effort in order to continue our mission of bringing every segment of our community together into artistic and creative efforts to promote Spanish language theater in the only Spanish-language theater on the Central Coast. A donation, of any size, makes a huge impact on our quest to keep the lights on in 2018 and in the future. Your contribution will really make a difference.
Thanks so much for joining Teatro de las Américas. You are helping us to bring the magic of La Celestina to the stage.
All donations above $75 will receive two free tickets for any of the performance in Oxnard or Los Angeles.
Teatro de las Américas is a bilingual theatre company that presents live-stage productions to diverse communities across Ventura County, with an emphasis on Spanish language playwrights. Teatro de las Américas´ sustainability is being challenged because, for the first time in five years, we did not get an Arts Grant from the City of Oxnard. Therefore, we are turning to our friends and supporters to raise funds for our next production: the classical Spanish tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas "La Celestina" in a Mediterranean Cantata version by Costa Palamides, the well-known Director, invited again after last year´s successful staging of Federico García Lorca´s “Don Perlimplín with Belisa in her garden” and a duo of Latin American short comedy plays at Teatro de las Américas.
The project:
Celestina uses thousands of artifices to make Melibea fall in love and marry Calisto, a high class young man, madly in love with her. Calisto tells of his impossible love to Sempronio, his servant, who suggests that he resort to the services of the experienced Celestina. Celestina uses her tricks and intercedes and bewitches Melibea, who finally falls madly in love with Calisto. However, the work takes an unexpected and surprising turn.
"In this montage we tell and sing La Celestina through eight gypsies. The work of Fernando de Rojas, which predates the Spanish Golden Age, beyond telling the life of the court and the upper bourgeoisie, like other texts of the genre, is submerged in ‘the underworld’ and also deals with life at the lowest social stratum. It is a Renaissance piece in a good way. It is absolutely humanistic, it speaks of all types of human beings and feelings that there may be on Earth. It has lyrical moments of high flight, wonders are spoken about love and the power of money is condemned “, as explained by Costa Palamides, who has had a close relationship with the piece from an internship of several years in the Classical Theater Company of Madrid . For the director, the main contribution of this adaptation, using an exquisite repertoire of Mediterranean songs, is the transformation of the work into a piece that fits the parameters of musical theater.
La Celestina, a Mediterranean Cantata, will be presented at Oxnard and Los Angeles theaters in a three week season during the month of September, 2018. Venues to be announced soon.
We need YOU to join US!
We encourage you to support us on this extraordinary effort in order to continue our mission of bringing every segment of our community together into artistic and creative efforts to promote Spanish language theater in the only Spanish-language theater on the Central Coast. A donation, of any size, makes a huge impact on our quest to keep the lights on in 2018 and in the future. Your contribution will really make a difference.
Thanks so much for joining Teatro de las Américas. You are helping us to bring the magic of La Celestina to the stage.
All donations above $75 will receive two free tickets for any of the performance in Oxnard or Los Angeles.
Panteleimon Palamidis
Camarillo, CA
Teatro de las Americas, Incorporated