La Petite Maison Staff
Dear friends of La Petite Maison: www.lapetitemaisonbistro.com.
Due to the COVID-19 (Corona Virus), our dearest friend/owner of La Petite Maison restaurant (Stephanie), has been (like all restaurant owners) financially impacted by this pandemic.
Stephanie and her staff at La Petite Maison are loved by so many in our great community of Sandy Springs and as well, so many people throughout Atlanta for many years. Stephanie is as genuine as they come, for all of those that know her – she gives with her heart every single day to many! It’s time we give back to her to help her dedicated staff of many, many years!
I’ve set up this fundraiser in hopes that we can all pull together and help out the small business owner that has reached out, loved on, ran charity events in honor of, and served each one of us with so much love and enthusiasm over the years with her kind spirit and generous heart.
Steph would NEVER ask for a dime and continues to give out to so many thru this crisis. Let’s help Stephanie take care of her servers, bartenders, chef and all of her wonderful staff as they rely on our tips and dining events to pay their bills and to support their families. Let’s make La Petite Maison survive thru this together!
Please consider a small donation in efforts to support Stephanie and her staff at La Petite Maison.
PS: If you want curb service, they are open for business just one call away!
Ginger Kindred