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La prima Accademia Musicale Ecosostenibile

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Per dare il via al nostro progetto abbiamo deciso di rivolgerci a voi, di chiedervi un contributo piccolo o grande che sia, per realizzare le primissime AULE DI MUSICA dell’Eco Accademia. 

Sulla parete della prima casetta in legno verranno appese delle targhe con i vostri nomi, per ringraziare chi ha creduto in noi ancor prima che esistessimo. 

Intanto, ecco il Tg1 cosa dice di noi:

Ogni piccolo contributo dal cuore sarà apprezzatissimo e anche solo “offrire un caffè all’Eco Accademia” può fare la differenza. 

-Donazione €20, invito al primo concerto dell’Eco Accademia

-Donazione €50, due inviti al primo concerto + CD Leila Shirvani & Orchestra Notturna Clandestina diretta da Enrico Melozzi (in uscita a breve)

-Donazione €100, il tuo nome rimarrà sulla parete della prima aula dell’Eco Accademia per sempre + due inviti al primo concerto + CD

-Donazione €200, ai primi 56 dedicheremo un ulivo dell’eco Accademia!

-Se volete diventare mecenati, se avete un’azienda, se siete una società, è possibile donare una bellissima aula in legno al costo di €5000 che prenderà il nome del donatore. Per ulteriori info non esitate a contattarci!

ECO ACCADEMIA NEL BOSCO di Leila e Sara Shirvani

L’Eco Accademia nel Bosco è un progetto innovativo che unisce la musica con la natura,

un centro ecosostenibile di eccellenza musicale. 

Diffusa su un ampio terreno a Montasola, comunità montana in provincia di Rieti, sarà composta da strutture in legno con pannelli solari sui tetti che sostituiranno le classiche aule.

Maestri altamente qualificati si dedicheranno a concerti, masterclass e corsi con allievi di ogni età in maniera individuale con la convinzione che anche i più giovani meritino di studiare con i migliori esempi, tutto il tempo necessario e in ambienti sostenibili.

Il contesto naturalistico dell’Accademia aiuterà a dedicarsi all’attività musicale senza distrazioni.  Gli spazi inviteranno i musicisti, le loro famiglie e gli ospiti dei concerti a sostare in un ambiente dove il tempo scorrerà solo al ritmo della musica e della natura.

L’accademia accoglierà sul terreno e in aule in legno diffuse tra gli alberi

corsi annuali di violoncello, pianoforte, violino, flauto, clarinetto, tromba, composizione, direzione d’orchestra,
Masterclass internazionali e corsi di alto perfezionamento, 
centri estivi a tema musicale,
ensemble, orchestra, banda

E’ prevista anche la costruzione di un Auditorium/serra, una struttura in vetro che potrà ospitare concerti solistici, cameristici e orchestrali senza alterare la natura e gli alberi esistenti.

A lungo termine è prevista la possibilità di soggiornare presso l’ostello dell’Accademia e la creazione un Bistrò 100% vegan

To get our project started, we decided to contact you, to ask you for a small or large contribution, to create the very first MUSIC CLASSROOMS of the Eco Academy.
Plaques with your names will be hung on the wall of the first wooden house, to thank those who believed in us even before we existed.

Every small contribution from the heart will be greatly appreciated and even just "offering a coffee to the Eco Academy" can make a difference.

- €20 donation: invitation to the first Eco Academy concert

- €50 donation: two invitations to the first concert + CD Leila Shirvani & Orchestra Notturna Clandestina conducted by Enrico Melozzi (coming out in May)

- €100 donation, your name will remain on the wall of the first classroom of the Eco Academy forever + two invitations to the first concert + CD

- €200 donation: we will dedicate an olive tree from the eco Accademia to the first 56 donors!

- If you want to become a patron, if you have company or a business, you can donate a beautiful wooden classroom at a cost of €5000 which will be named after the donor. For more info please do not hesitate to contact us!

The Eco Academy in the Woods is an innovative project  which aims to create a bond between nature and music, an eco-sustainable centre of musical excellence.

Highly qualified musicians will devote their energy to concerts, masterclasses and courses for pupils of every age in the conviction that even the youngest students deserve the opportunity to study with the very best for all the time they require and in sustainable environments. 

The natural setting of the academy will enable students to focus and find their inspiration. The areas will give the possibility to students, their families and guest artists to stay in a place where time goes by  to the rhythm of music and nature.

The Academy will host in wooden classrooms dotted amongst the trees:

Piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, oboe, trumpet, percussion, harp, mandolin, guitar  and composition courses;
Masterclasses in advanced training;
Summer music campuses;
Ensemble, orchestra and band workshops:

Open air spaces and a greenhouse-auditorium will be concert venues for solo, chamber music and orchestral concerts.

It will eventually be possible to offer accommodation at the Eco Academy B&B.

A suitable building plot for the Eco  Academy has already been identified. The lot is 7500 square 

meters circa situated in Montasola (RI), comunità montana della Sabina Tiberina, 65 km from Rome where– without causing any damage to existing trees and plants - tiny wooden houses  with solar panels will be erected as well as a large glass greenhouse which will be adapted for use as an “auditorium”.

The creators of the Eco-Academy:

The project derives from the professional experience of the Shirvani sisters, Leila and Sara, born in 1992 and 1999 in Rome of an English mother and Persian father, united with their strong commitment to the environment. Both sisters are acclaimed concert musicians and teachers with a long list of important prizes to their credit:

Leila the cellist is a pupil of her father Mike Shirvani, and studied successively with Giovanni Sollima. She is a Fellow of the London College of Music and a laureate of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. She received a prize from the Italian president Napolitano in 2009, and another award from President Mattarella together with Ennio Morricone and Antonio Pappano in 2019.

Leila has played as soloist on numerous occasions with the Orchestra Notturna Clandestina, including concerts at the Quirinale palace broadcast live on Radio 3 in October 2019, the Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago and the Ravenna Festival in 2020. She performs regularly as a soloist alongside Giovanni Sollima in cello ensemble and with the "100 cellos".

Sara the pianist won the prestigious "Premio Bucchi", a competition dedicated entirely to contemporary music, at the age of 11, and since then has collaborated with several living composers giving numerous first performances. 

Sara and Leila formed the chamber music duo "Shirvani Sisters" for which the composer and conductor Enrico Melozzi has written and dedicated several pieces. 

The sisters are also active in the field of jazz, and have recently recorded the album "Clorofilla" produced and created by Paolo Fresu (Tuk Music, 2019) 

The sisters have been teaching their instruments for years and since 2017 have organised "Mediterranean Musical Encounters" together with their father. This summer festival has the aim of uniting people of different cultures through music and has brought music to life in unusual venues, with performances on boats in the sea, concerts in the squares of semi abandoned medieval towns as well as open air master classes ennobling nature as the most majestic concert hall ever. 

On more than one occasion they have taken their instruments out into the street to protest against intensive farming,  deforestation and  illegal dumping resulting in them often being referred to as "musical activists". Leila especially was talked about in the press when she tied herself to a pine tree together with her cello, performing tied to the tree  thus preventing it being cut down.


  • pietro gaudenzi
    • €300
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • €50
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • €30
    • 3 yrs
  • Bettina Douglas
    • €200
    • 3 yrs
  • Patrizia Navarroli
    • €100
    • 3 yrs


Leila Shirvani
Rome, LZ

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