Audrey’s life depends on a medical procedure.
Donation protected
La vida de Audrey depende de una cirugía médica.
Hola, soy Sandy. El 28 de Enero 2022, mi Mamá fue diagnosticada con un tumor en el cerebro y necesita una cirugía urgente, dentro de 2 semanas, a partir de la fecha mencionada. El costo de la cirugía es de $50,000 (dólares.) Como familia, nos es muy difícil cubrir este costo, ya que por otro lado hace poco, mi Papá fue diagnosticado con cáncer de tiroides. Les agradecemos de antemano a todos los que puedan apoyarnos a salvar la vida de mi Mamá.
The life of Audrey depends on a medical procedure.
Hi, My Name is Sandy. On the 28th of January 2022, My Mother was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain and needs a surgery to be done within 2 weeks, starting from the date diagnosed. The cost of the surgery is $ 50,000 (dollars.) As a family, it is very difficult to cover this cost, since not too long ago, My Father was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. We are deeply grateful for any help we can get.
The life of Audrey depends on a medical procedure.
Hi, My Name is Sandy. On the 28th of January 2022, My Mother was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain and needs a surgery to be done within 2 weeks, starting from the date diagnosed. The cost of the surgery is $ 50,000 (dollars.) As a family, it is very difficult to cover this cost, since not too long ago, My Father was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. We are deeply grateful for any help we can get.
Organizer and beneficiary
Sandy Trejo
Lake Elsinore, CA
Mitzy Flores