Lafayette Hillside Memorial Care and Maintenance
Tax deductible
The Lafayette Hillside Memorial is a unique landmark.
It is a sacred place of reflection and remembrance; a protest against forgetting. It is a place to recognize, honor, and commemorate individual national service contributions.
Without political or religious affiliation, the memorial has universal impact. Since its beginning, in 2006, the site has evolved into a true place of healing, where Gold and Blue Star families pay tribute to their loved ones and veterans pay respect to fallen comrades. Travelers on BART and the nearby highway pause momentarily to take note of the remarkable installation and, if only for a moment, are prompted to consider the tragic costs of war.
Unlike other memorials, ours is a living memorial that requires ongoing attention and care, perhaps this is exactly what makes it so meaningful. Please help us in our efforts to care for it.
Your donation will go directly toward the repair and replacement of symbols and maintenance of the hillside. This year we hope to add wildflowers, repair the podium, and continue to facilitate and preserve the personalized symbols. All symbols that have fallen or deteriorated over time are being lovingly replaced with a new installation technique intended to increase the Memorial's appearance long term.
A small donation goes a long way for a volunteer organization that operates on a shoestring. An annual commitment will help even further.
For other ways to get involved,, please join us at our Memorial Day Vigil or volunteer at a community work day held annually on Veteran's and MLK Day.
For more information visit: https://www.lafayettehillsidememorial.org/
Peace and Gratitude,
The Lafayette Hillside Memorial Board of Directors and Advisory Group.
Lafayette Hillside Memorial