Lafrowda Festival 2023
As I’m sure you are all aware, we have had a couple of years of downtime from the festival due to Covid in order to protect our community. The committee has been hard at work planning but we have come to some unfortunate realities.
We don't have either the manpower or the funds to safely hold the festival this year. We are all bitterly disappointed by this and we're sure you all are as well.
We can't do much about the manpower on here (although if you want to offer your help then please contact us http://www.lafrowda.co.uk/index.php/volunteers/) but we can hopefully help towards the funding.
Lafrowda costs us around £30,000! a year to run, and while some of that comes in from grants, it by no means covers it all. The rest is made up in big part through fundraising by you, our amazing community.
While we did some fundraising before the pandemic hit, it never really got a chance to hit its stride and we were also burdened with ongoing costs such as insurance and equipment maintenance/storage.
So what does this all mean?
Unfortunately a large part of they money we raise is done by our amazing volunteers on the day running around in their finest hi viz jackets shaking donation buckets around.
With no festival this year, what we are asking is that if you would have perhaps thrown your loose change into a bucket then throw it on here instead. Maybe donate the price of a pint you would have bought or some of what you would have spent on a spiffing new outfit.
Every little bits gets us closer to the festival we all love!
I know it may seem like a lot to ask, especially after what we have all been through so if you are unable to donate then we completely understand, there will be plenty of Lafrowda events taking place over the next 18 months so please keep checking out http://www.lafrowda.co.uk/ for updates on what we have planned.
Adam Glenville
Lafrowda Festival