Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos


Donativo protegido
Hi, my name is David Anson Russo, Artist. My partner and I have had a Jujitsu Dojo in Maui since 1991. My partner is a therapist/jujitsu partner and we co-created the not for profit Natural Movement Self Defense and Woman's Empowerment course on Maui, that graduated over 600 woman and their daughters from the 5 day seminar so women and their daughters know how to stay safe.

In 2000, Russo had his art gallery in the destroyed Pioneer Inn, in Lahaina, next to the bayan tree. Russo has raised 4 children on Maui; in Wailea/Maui Meadows, Haiku, Wailuku Heights and Maui is our family's forever Aloha home.

We consider ourselves Maui locals and would like to raise funds to create product(s) that would to help the recovery, healing, and rebuilding efforts in Maui.

We are not raising funds and simply sending the funds, but instead are creating products to maximize the initial money needed and hopefully increase it 3 to 5 times or more and then deliver the revenue to Maui residents.

100% of the funds would be used to create car stickers, decals (as displayed), and tee shirts with our BANYAN STRONG MAUI SUPPORT DESIGN, and we would sell these products on a web site and in an on the ground grass roots method to raise charitable funds.

In addition to the web site, we will be sending Maui locals (our friends and family) products to sell in Maui, and friends and family on the mainland as well.

The revenue from the products will all be collected and given to LOCAL MAUI EFFORTS, since this is the fastest way to help those in need.

We are MAUIANS and there is nothing more important that this effort right now.
We will sell the stickers for $5. and our initial print run would be 2000 stickers to start. (stickers on line would be sold at $20 for 4 and not sold individually).

The printer is giving the stickers to us at cost, also donating their time and effort to help. This is a California company and we applaud them for 'throwing in' to help.

The tees can sell for $22. and we will only print shirts, if we can raise enough GO FUND ME revenue to produce this specific product, which would cost about $7. per shirt. (TBD)
The web site with pay pal and fulfillment will run about $2k.

Please help in our effort to help the 22,000 Lahaina residents and extend this same help to all in need Lahaina residents who are suffering from this travesty. This is happening right now and will be a huge challenge for Maui in the coming years.

They have no homes, businesses are all gone and no one can make a living. The town was obliterated. There is no electric, food, water, shelter, survival supplies, and no money. Over 100 people dead. 1000 or more are missing and they are finding 20 bodies every day. Everyone on Maui and on the other islands are helping, but this is going to take years in an ongoing effort to help these beautiful and kind people. We need to create some products that will continue to sell and provide the assistance they need over the next 5/10 yrs.

We can help in this way and we are reaching out to you to give us a bankroll and will will put 100% of it into Maui efforts.

This is a grassroots operation of family and friends that are from Maui and also those who love Maui and the Hawaiian people and want to see them survive and prosper. If they do, we as tourists will reap the rewards as well. We pledge that we will do whatever we can to support this effort with our combined commitment.

Please donate whatever you can.
Thank you David Russo

 Garantía de GoFundMe

En esta campaña se menciona hacer donativos a través de otra plataforma, pero recuerda que solo los donativos realizados en GoFundMe están protegidos por la Garantía de GoFundMe.



  • christina rosas
    • 100 $
    • 1 año
  • Anónimo
    • 10 $
    • 2 años
  • Logan Leit
    • 300 $
    • 2 años
  • David Goldman
    • 80 $
    • 2 años
  • peter mayer
    • 100 $
    • 2 años


Beverly Russo
Manchester, CT

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