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Lāhainā Wildfire Relief for Trinity Hobdey

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I'm Trinity's best friend and am starting this fundraiser for her. Trinity Hobdey, the amazing shop manager of LahAina Surf Shack, fled her beloved Fleming home with only her car and the clothes on her back. The revered Fleming home Trinity shared with her ohana (roomies Luca, Ronnie, Micah, Jake, Leonard, Kala, and Zuzu) was burned to the ground by the Lāhainā, Maui wildfires on the evening of August 8, 2023. Like so many others, Trinity lost everything, including her cherished surfboards and other seafaring equipment, furniture, clothing, shoes, bicycle, electronics, toiletries, vital record documents, etc. With the exception of her car, the clothes on her back, and a few donations she has since received, everything Trinity owned is gone. We are very lucky to have Trinity safe and with us today.

Trinity is one of the most amazing and hard-working people in her community. For the past two years, she has dedicated her life to managing and growing the LahAina Surf Shack. Trinity considers her surf instructors, students, and their families as her ohana (family). Trinity coordinated and supported the families of the keiki (children's) programs at the surf shop; she also served as a community organizer for beach cleanups. Trinity was also working at Fleetwood's on Front St. and repairing surfboards on the side for extra money. Tragically, every single one of the businesses Trinity worked for has burned down.

Trinity is an incredibly generous person; while she gives to her family, friends, and community, she hesitates to ask for help even when times are tough. While Trinity is fiercely independent, she is in desperate need of support at this time as she is committed to staying on Maui to help rebuild all that has been lost. Trinity has been part of the convoys transporting resources around the island, and as of Saturday, August 12, 2023, Trinity is now volunteering with the Red Cross in their community centers. She is also working to organize an ice pack exchange so that all of those displaced will have a way to keep their coolers cold. Maui is Trinity's life; there is nowhere else she calls home. Immediate needs include housing, a new laptop, and a surfboard - much needed for mental health!

There has been an outpouring of concern and many have asked how they can help. Trinity needs support to replace all that she's lost, to find new housing, and to carry her along as she looks for work. Anything you can give will go a long way and is appreciated! All donations will be distributed DIRECTLY to Trinity.

Please pray for Maui. There have been many lives lost. Families who have called Maui home for generations are fleeing. Our hearts go out to every single one who has been impacted by this incredible tragedy.

My name is Clansi Cornista. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I will try and update this page as often as I can.

Mahalo for your support.

8-12-23 update at 1637 HST: there are several potential contributors who, for various reasons, don't feel comfortable utilizing this giving platform. I understand this. If this is you, simply click on the link to Trinity's Venmo account below. Mahalo! ❤

8-14-23 update at 1140 HST: Trinity had a very rough day yesterday; we talked about how grief is not linear… it ebbs and flows at seemingly random times just like the ocean. Several of Trinity’s friends have offered to let her couch surf until she secures housing; however, coordinating this is sometimes tricky, say, if they already have a full house, etc. In the meantime, Trinity was able to get some linens, and she set up a makeshift bed in her car – I have included pictures below. Like so many others on island right now, there are going to be nights Trinity will sleep in her car. She does have at least two friends who will be leaving the island, and they have asked Trinity if she will housesit for them while they are gone – blessings! There is a team of people praying for Trinity’s safety and wellbeing; that she secure housing; and that she not go without. Our immediate prayers are for her safety as there is at least one more hurricane coming her way tomorrow, Tuesday, August 15, 2023, and she has been staying in a city with another active wildfire. Her safety is #1 so please keep Trinity in your prayers. In terms of fulfilling her needs list, she will be receiving a laptop soon. Also, Trinity was given a pair of shorts from the community center/shelter; she tried wearing them for a day or two but they were simply too small. After wearing jeans for a day and feeling too hot, she did stop by Ross today to buy a pair of shorts but they didn’t have any. She had to settle for skorts – something she ordinarily wouldn’t wear; however, after putting them on she was thrilled with how they looked saying, “This experience is really stretching my boundaries, and I’m learning so much about myself. Who knew I would have liked skorts!? I feel cute.” In terms of volunteering, yesterday she tried but they were already fully staffed. Today she was going to check in at a volunteer center, but the line to serve was around the college campus. I told her that while her intentions are good and pure and loving, there are clearly plenty of volunteers right now who are there to serve her and the others who are rebuilding their lives from scratch. There will be plenty of opportunities for Trinity to serve her community once she gets back on track. Nevertheless, Trinity spent part of the day yesterday driving several friends around to the community centers to get access to resources; and today she said she is holding two of her friends hostage in her car, driving them all around without stopping, until they complete their unemployment applications while she verbally guides them through the process. Despite all odds, Trinity is still serving others, and with optimism. She said, “My brain feels like a fried egg. I still have lots to do.” She also said, “Do you know what diamonds are made of? Ash. With all the heat and pressure that is being applied to me, I know I’m going to be like a diamond.” Trinity was able to apply for a new Social Security card, she applied for a duplicate passport, and a new birth certificate will be ordered shortly. Trinity was also able to finally connect with her therapist who has been on vacation. Trinity texted her something to the effect of, “Hey. I think you’re back in the office. My house burned down. So did all of my jobs. Like, can I make an appointment?” The therapist was clearly shocked in her reply, and Trinity is scheduled for an emergency session tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m. And Trinity has had multiple offers of housing in Alaska, Idaho, Utah, and California in the event she will need to move off-island. For now, Trinity’s heart is in Maui. An Idaho friend, Wil, who makes handmade, one-of-a kind articles of clothing, heard what happened and put clothes in the mail to Trinity. Please check out his company, WAL, at Trinity’s car also needed repaired. For years now, Didi and John Souza of Pacific Auto Maintenance and Repair in Kahului have been taking great care of Trinity’s car. When she went in today, they discounted her repair by $150.00 to help her out. If you are on Maui and need vehicle repairs, you can trust them! They are incredible human beings who care very much for their customers; their website address is In short order, Trinity is checking things off her list. And she certainly couldn’t do this without all of your support. Again, our #1 priorities right now are Trinity’s safety and connecting her with housing. Prayers are being answered. Miracles **WILL** happen. The horror of this experience really puts into perspective just how loved and blessed Trinity is by so many people around the world. Many alohas and mahalos to you and yours!

8-15-23 update at 0727 HST: Tropical Storm Greg is projected to travel south of Hawaii, so hopefully all will be well. We do need to keep our eye on Hurricane Fernanda which is set to reach Hawaii by this weekend/beginning of next week; it is projected to weaken while still packing some strong, gusty winds.

8-16-23 update at 0226 HST: A sweet and talented friend created an eye-catching flyer to help support Trinity. I have included a link to it below. Please share on social media or print it out to share at work, places of worship, etc. Thanks for your continued support! I hope to speak with Trinity today and get an update on her situation. Mahalo.

8-17-23 update at 0828 HST: This harrowing experience has really traumatized Trinity and the people she loves; she seems stunned in talking with her this morning. Yesterday was stressful but Trinity hopes today will be better. This morning she has an appointment with FEMA who will assess her housing situation. Some of Trinity’s Maui ohana (family) have been offered housing in/near Lahaina but Trinity doesn’t seem ready to go back. She doesn’t want to face the remnants of her beloved home or the greater devastation in Lahaina. Safely outside “ground zero”, Trinity is barely hanging on. While she is lucky to have a regular therapist, Trinity acknowledges that she may need to find someone who has experience with stuff like this – there is a lot of healing that needs to be done. Trinity is still helping a group of grateful friends navigate very confusing systems (see new pic below), but Trinity is feeling very tired. For now, it will be little things like replacing her mascara and eating a PB&J sandwich that are comforting and keeping her going. After the FEMA meeting this morning, Trinity is going to transport a few of her surf instructors to one of the community centers so they can do their business. Every day is chocked full of administrative tasks; Trinity says, “The completion of each task yields three more things that need done.” A laptop is en route from the mainland while Trinity uses a friend’s in the meantime. Yesterday there was a gathering at Ho’okipa Beach Park, and many people brought surfboards to donate. I asked Trinity if she got one, but they didn’t have one she could use (she’s looking for a longboard). When I suggested she go buy one, she said she may do that after she is done house-sitting as the people who are going out of town have equipment she can borrow. And speaking of boards, Trinity’s friend, Cord Muñoz, lost his board repair business that Trinity worked in. A gofundme for AHOY Fiberglass and Board Repair has been started; if you can, please support Cord here: All, keep praying that long-term housing, support, and healing will be done for all who have been impacted by this tragedy. Also, please pray that Trinity connects with a good grief counselor. (Many mainlanders such as myself are struggling every day because the people we love and cherish are hurting. I can’t even imagine what survivors on Maui are going through.) I will try and update again soon. Trinity is overwhelmed with the love and support she is receiving from all of you; she apologizes that she cannot timely respond to every single person right now. Please know that she loves you all very much. As always, mahalo and aloha to you and yours. #MauiStrong

8-17-23 update at 1320 HST: Trinity went in to volunteer at a community center today and was told they would not accept her because she was wearing a tank top. Trinity was highly offended, and she and the friends who witnessed this are livid. Trinity owns a total of 5 shirts right now and desires to help out. Is there not enough need in Hawaii right now that they are turning help away because of a tank top? In other, more positive news, fur baby roommates Leonard, Kala, and Zuzu are doing well with their parents back in town! See pictures of the babies below. When I suggested that all of the roomies need to get together at least one last time for a group photo, Trinity reported that Micah has already left the island. ☹ Aloha to you and yours.

8-19-23 update at 0957 HST: Trinity is struggling again today. Our conversation wasn’t too long but some notable things Trinity remarked on are that her house burned down and that she doesn’t know what to do with her life. She didn’t mean the latter as a grand, philosophical statement; rather, her entire life has been transformed in an instant, and some days, quite literally, Trinity doesn’t know how to get out of bed and get moving because there’s nothing to get moving for. ☹ Trinity is very disappointed in the emergency response that has been shown to Maui and is feeling apathetic about politics in general. She has sought out at least two job opportunities but was turned down. She will begin filing for unemployment insurance claims soon, but these are not guaranteed. For now, aside from her friend’s cat who was attacking her this morning , Trinity is safely staying with a friend until her house-sitting gig starts. I will update you again soon. Thank you all for your continuing love and support during this tragic time. Aloha!

8-21-23 update at 1245 HST: Trinity is going on day 2 of good vibes. She starts house-sitting tomorrow upcountry for one week; after which, she is going to check on the availability of an Airbnb as she qualified for a $5,000.00 voucher. While this sounds like a lot of money, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to use it based on availability; if so, she doesn’t know how long that money will stretch. After the voucher runs out, Trinity is still homeless. Today she qualified for food stamps and her new Social Security card was received. The other day she went to treat herself to a manicure and a pedicure and the nail tech gave Trinity free wave nail art as a small gift for losing everything in the fire. Meanwhile, there is a paddle out scheduled for this Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 8 a.m. at the Cove in Kihei. Trinity did not organize this paddle out but she DID go into Maui Wave Riders in Kihei to see if they would be willing to loan boards out for free to all those affected by the wildfires… and they agreed! So anyone who needs a board for the paddle out on Saturday just needs to go to Maui Wave Riders in Kihei, fill out a waiver, and they will give out boards for free for 2 hours on Saturday. That’s the update for now. Much love to all of you who are supporting Trinity as she keeps moving forward. Aloha!

8-27-23 update at 1703 HST: Hello to all of you loyal supporters! It’s been a while since I updated Trinity’s fundraiser because not a whole lot is going on. Trinity is house/pet sitting and helping her surf shack employees procure basic things. On the house sitting front, the friend that Trinity is house sitting for suffered a medical emergency on the mainland, and Trinity may be house sitting for another week. This is a twisted kind of blessing as Trinity will have a roof over her head. In terms of helping out, Trinity wrote to several companies asking for donations and they have answered her prayers! One of the companies sent Trinity an entire box of toiletries containing things such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, tongue scrapers, etc. Meanwhile, Aloha Bags sent Trinity an entire box of bags that Trinity was also able to share with others. And finally, I think it was Trinity (?) who started a fundraiser for the surf shack with proceeds going toward all of the staff. With the proceeds she has collected so far, she has been able to get shoes, clothing, and recreational equipment for several of her former surf shack employees. The boxed donations were enough that Trinity was able to share items with those around her who are also in need. See updated pictures below for the latest. The need to distribute to her people finally took her out to Lahaina to see the devastation in person. When I asked her if she took pictures, she emphatically said, “No! I don’t want those memories of Lahaina; and anyway, there are enough of them on the internet for time and all eternity.” Please keep up the prayers of healing and protection, and also please continue sharing Trinity’s fundraiser online. We have barely reached a quarter of her fundraising goal and I really want to make sure my bestie has every option available to her as she rebuilds her life from scratch. Aloha and mahalo to you and yours!


Beach cleanup! ↓

Managing LahAina Surf Shack ↓

Before and after pictures of the Fleming house below ↓

Trinity's makeshift car bed ↓

Trinity helping her ohana (family) ↓
Leonard ↓
Kala ↓
Zuzu ↓
House/dog sitting ↓

Donations received and distributed ↓

 GoFundMe Giving Guarantee

This fundraiser mentions donating through another platform, but please know that only donations made on GoFundMe are protected by the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee.



    • $200
    • 7 mos
    • $590
    • 7 mos
  • Hilary Brown
    • $100
    • 8 mos
    • $100
    • 10 mos
  • Alexia Alizna
    • $300
    • 11 mos

Organizer and beneficiary

Clansi Cornista
Lahaina, HI
Trinity H

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