Lainey Malia Allen
Lainey Malia Allen was just shy of turning 2 years old when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Lainey had to undergo surgery to have her cancerous brain tumor removed. She was such a strong baby and was such a fighter, battling her way through many rounds of chemo. Despite being sick, Lainey was such a happy baby and always shared smiles with anyone she came across.
After fighting a long battle, Lainey gained her wings at 6:25am on April 14, 2020 in her home in Beloit, WI. Lainey was given the name meaning “ray of light” or “sunbeam.” Although Lainey is gone and free, she still shines down on us every day.
Donations would be greatly appreciated to help out Lainey’s family at this troubled time, and to cover Lainey’s memorial expenses. Through our secure GoFundMe account, you can help support the family by donating, and also sharing the GoFundMe page with others to your network.
We know money many be tight during this pandemic so any amount would help. No donation is too small! We really appreciate it. Thanks so much.