Lake Forest Sailing Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Lake Forest Sailing is an accredited U.S Sailing Community Sailing Program. We specialize in youth learn to sail and youth racing. We also teach adults and have an adaptive sailing specific keel boat.
LFS is continuously fundraising to be able to provide amazing opportunities for the Lake Forest sailing community. Donations are put towards a few different initiatives.
First, they are used to maintain and grow our fleet of sailboats, the more sailboats we have, the more kids we can get out on Lake Michigan! With the help of donations we are also looking to charter various high performance dinghies for bespoke training sessions to broaden our sailor’s horizons.
Secondly, donations can be specified to our scholarship fund. The scholarship fund is used to offset fees for those who need it. This allows us to get kids sailing who may not have had the opportunity otherwise. These funds can also be used to offset the cost of race travel in similar situations.
Finally, donations are used to bring in unique opportunities for our sailors. We often bring in well-known and epic sailors for speaking series or coaching. These sessions, whether a zoom call or a week of coaching, help our sailors realize their full potential and inspire them to further their own sailing.
Visit our website for more information: Lake Forest Sailing
Friends of Lake Forest Parks and Recreation