Lake Worth Flag Project
This is a completely grassroots community based effort to purchase American flags and brackets to be hung in the City of Lake Worth on streetlights along our Dixie Highway and Downtown Corridors, where they will be illuminated 24 hrs a day beginning on Flag Day, June 14th until the 4th of July. The City of Lake Worth is donating Staff time to install the brackets, hang the flags, remove them after the 4th of July and safely store them for re-use year after year.
We are asking individuals, merchants, civic groups, neighborhood groups and other non-profits that are proud to call the City of Lake Worth our home for a minimum pledge of $35 to buy one flag and one bracket. The Lake Worth Neighborhood Association Presidents Council, Inc. (the NAPC, a not for profit Florida corporation) will act as intermediary and receive all the funds so one check can be sent to the City in payment of the flags and brackets they are ordering for this project.
This is a Flag Raising Event - not a fund raising event for the NAPC! All of the money received will go to the purchase of flags and brackets. Locations for the flags will be chosen by the City based on our objective subject to the availability of streetlights that are not obscured by trees or other banners.