Emergency Gofund me for Lana Wood
I couldn't sleep last night thinking about Lana Wood.
I can hand on heart say that I think Lana is thee most inspirational woman I have met in my life and I admire her greatly for it. She is the epitome of a strong woman.
But all strong women have weak moments, and Lana is no different.
Lana has been through Bond & Beyond and has been evicted from her home of 7 years and has knowwhere to go. Lana is currently packing rapidly trying to get her belongings out of the property before the sherrif locks her out. She also does not have the money to put down for another house. This wouldn't be such an issue if Lana lived on her own, but Lana cares for her whole family, including her daughter (who is dealing with serious health issues and is battling with cancer), grandchildren and the many rescues she has. Everything is on her shoulders at the minute and nobody at Lana's age should be stuck in this position, especially after what she has been through. The stress of this for her is what worries me more than anything. As a friend I cannot watch her go through this on her own. She needs our help.
I admire her as a woman, a mother, a grandmother, professional & a survivor of many things. But with that being said it doesn't make her invincable and those of us that care about her need to help our friend in her hour of need.
I have set the target at $10,000
This is to help Lana out of her current situation and get her in a new home for her and her family.
Lana is sister of Hollywood Actress Natalie Wood, who famously co-starred with her sister in The Searchers starring John Wayne, and is known for her roles as "Plenty O'Toole" in the James Bond movie "Diamonds Are Forever" starring Sean Connery.
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