Urgent help to save the home of Eden Sanctuary
Donation protected
ENGLISH / SPANISH (for Spanish, scroll down)
My name is Nicole Eden and I am the founder of Eden Sanctuary in Mallorca, which I run alone. Eden Sanctuary is currently home to 50 animals of 10 species who have come from horrible abuse, neglect and/ or near death.
Many of them have chronic health conditions such as cerebellar hypoplasia, asthma, missing limbs (or partially missing limbs,) kidney disease, laminitis and cancer. All of them are given the individual care they need to manage their conditions and live a happy and free life until whenever they are ready to leave this world.
The land that we live on has been sold and our only option is to buy land of our own so that the animals do not lose their sanctuary home and everything that I have fought so hard for, for them, over the last 3 years.
We only have 30 days to raise the money we need or the animals will lose their home.
This is the second home we have lost but buying land could take this threat away, permanently.
I always know, somewhere, somehow that Eden Sanctuary would exist. I don't remember a time when I did not love animals. I would spend hours with our German Shepherds when I was little- my first word was the name of our dog!
When I was 10 I announced that I was going vegetarian and I never looked back. I have now been vegan for 9 years.
Just over 3 years ago, my partner at the time said something that changed my life. He asked why I was not already living my dream of creating a sanctuary for the most abused, neglected and forgotten animals. I replied “because I don't have the money.” To which he responded, “If you wait for the money, it will never come, but if you do it, you will find the money.”
And thus, Eden Sanctuary was born.
My first rescue was Karma, a piglet who had fallen from a truck on the motorway, umbilical cord still attached. I lovingly raised Karma, who was feisty and a little crazy, by hand.

Quickly after came his best friend, Shanti, then orphaned lambs, Solly who was riddled with maggots and Star, both left to die by the farmer.
3 months in my partner at the time left. I really have no time for anything other than work (which I do freelance so that I can run the sanctuary) and the animals. You have to be a very specific kind of person to live life this way.
I felt way out of my depth and very alone out in the country, but I had promised these animals a life of freedom and I was determined to give it to them. When Karma became ill and died, I almost lost my hope. Before long the landlady began to make trouble and did not sign the papers so that I could legally keep the animals (although she had promised she would.)
By that time I had 17 animals. Some literally thrown in bins or released in parks, abandoned at properties after farmers who no longer had a use for them, moved and left them behind, Miss Piggy, a pig who had been brutally attacked by dogs and lost and ear and an eye, to name but a few. I could not let them down.
So with the help of a local estate agent, we found a place quickly and moved. I was assured that I would be safe for 5 years. We had the paperwork, a 5 year contract and a plan for me to get mortgage-ready in the last 18 months so I could get us a place where the animals could live long and happy lives, I could look after them and leave it to them when I am gone.
Since then more than 100 animals have passed through our gates and until 2021 I received little to no help.
In December 2020 I lost my job due to COVID and developed a VERY serious health problem that could have killed me. I was in A&E 12 times in 10 weeks. On December 20th I was lying in the cold at the end of the road in the most crippling pain I have ever felt in my life. All I could think of was the animals. Who would take care of them if I could not be there.
I was admitted to hospital and thankfully did not have to have surgery. They encouraged me to stay the night but I refused and was eventually released, still in a lot of pain. I was discharged at 4am and at 8 I was up, tending to the animals, as I have been everyday of their lives that they have spent with me.
In January I almost lost the sanctuary completely, there was no money, I had no job and I was sick. On the day I announced that I could no longer go on, I was just a shell of myself.
By some miracle the island came together and saved us.
We finally got all the fencing we needed, new shelters, volunteers, more monthly donations and things were running better than ever.
Then, 2 days before my birthday, I received a letter saying that we had to leave.
Now we need your help again
Why does it matter?
Because I am devoted to the animals, they are my life and I am theirs.
Because I have given everything I have to give them the life they deserve
Because I am not ready to give up
Because they need to stay together
Because their voices need to be heard
Because they deserve stability
Because more animals need my help and the safety of the sanctuary
I am so scared that the animals will lose their home and we will lose everything we have fought for.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
With your help we can build a forever sanctuary that can go from strength to strength, that can welcome many, many more animals in desperate need, for many, many more years.
We have 30 days to get the money together before we run out of time to make a purchase and move before our deadline.
PLEASE ACT NOW for the animals
(I am also seeking people who may be willing to invest through a legally binding private mortgage, please contact me if you might be able to help in this way.)
Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support.
I hope that Eden Sanctuary will go on to be a place where I can welcome you one day, to show you in person the incredible difference we have made to the lives of the most forgotten and the most forgotten.
All our love,
Nicole and the animals xxx
My name is Nicole Eden and I am the founder of Eden Sanctuary in Mallorca, which I run alone. Eden Sanctuary is currently home to 50 animals of 10 species who have come from horrible abuse, neglect and/ or near death.
Many of them have chronic health conditions such as cerebellar hypoplasia, asthma, missing limbs (or partially missing limbs,) kidney disease, laminitis and cancer. All of them are given the individual care they need to manage their conditions and live a happy and free life until whenever they are ready to leave this world.
The land that we live on has been sold and our only option is to buy land of our own so that the animals do not lose their sanctuary home and everything that I have fought so hard for, for them, over the last 3 years.
We only have 30 days to raise the money we need or the animals will lose their home.
This is the second home we have lost but buying land could take this threat away, permanently.
I always know, somewhere, somehow that Eden Sanctuary would exist. I don't remember a time when I did not love animals. I would spend hours with our German Shepherds when I was little- my first word was the name of our dog!
When I was 10 I announced that I was going vegetarian and I never looked back. I have now been vegan for 9 years.
Just over 3 years ago, my partner at the time said something that changed my life. He asked why I was not already living my dream of creating a sanctuary for the most abused, neglected and forgotten animals. I replied “because I don't have the money.” To which he responded, “If you wait for the money, it will never come, but if you do it, you will find the money.”
And thus, Eden Sanctuary was born.
My first rescue was Karma, a piglet who had fallen from a truck on the motorway, umbilical cord still attached. I lovingly raised Karma, who was feisty and a little crazy, by hand.

Quickly after came his best friend, Shanti, then orphaned lambs, Solly who was riddled with maggots and Star, both left to die by the farmer.
3 months in my partner at the time left. I really have no time for anything other than work (which I do freelance so that I can run the sanctuary) and the animals. You have to be a very specific kind of person to live life this way.
I felt way out of my depth and very alone out in the country, but I had promised these animals a life of freedom and I was determined to give it to them. When Karma became ill and died, I almost lost my hope. Before long the landlady began to make trouble and did not sign the papers so that I could legally keep the animals (although she had promised she would.)
By that time I had 17 animals. Some literally thrown in bins or released in parks, abandoned at properties after farmers who no longer had a use for them, moved and left them behind, Miss Piggy, a pig who had been brutally attacked by dogs and lost and ear and an eye, to name but a few. I could not let them down.
So with the help of a local estate agent, we found a place quickly and moved. I was assured that I would be safe for 5 years. We had the paperwork, a 5 year contract and a plan for me to get mortgage-ready in the last 18 months so I could get us a place where the animals could live long and happy lives, I could look after them and leave it to them when I am gone.
Since then more than 100 animals have passed through our gates and until 2021 I received little to no help.
In December 2020 I lost my job due to COVID and developed a VERY serious health problem that could have killed me. I was in A&E 12 times in 10 weeks. On December 20th I was lying in the cold at the end of the road in the most crippling pain I have ever felt in my life. All I could think of was the animals. Who would take care of them if I could not be there.
I was admitted to hospital and thankfully did not have to have surgery. They encouraged me to stay the night but I refused and was eventually released, still in a lot of pain. I was discharged at 4am and at 8 I was up, tending to the animals, as I have been everyday of their lives that they have spent with me.
In January I almost lost the sanctuary completely, there was no money, I had no job and I was sick. On the day I announced that I could no longer go on, I was just a shell of myself.
By some miracle the island came together and saved us.
We finally got all the fencing we needed, new shelters, volunteers, more monthly donations and things were running better than ever.
Then, 2 days before my birthday, I received a letter saying that we had to leave.
Now we need your help again
Why does it matter?
Because I am devoted to the animals, they are my life and I am theirs.
Because I have given everything I have to give them the life they deserve
Because I am not ready to give up
Because they need to stay together
Because their voices need to be heard
Because they deserve stability
Because more animals need my help and the safety of the sanctuary
I am so scared that the animals will lose their home and we will lose everything we have fought for.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
With your help we can build a forever sanctuary that can go from strength to strength, that can welcome many, many more animals in desperate need, for many, many more years.
We have 30 days to get the money together before we run out of time to make a purchase and move before our deadline.
PLEASE ACT NOW for the animals
(I am also seeking people who may be willing to invest through a legally binding private mortgage, please contact me if you might be able to help in this way.)
Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart for all of your love and support.
I hope that Eden Sanctuary will go on to be a place where I can welcome you one day, to show you in person the incredible difference we have made to the lives of the most forgotten and the most forgotten.
All our love,
Nicole and the animals xxx
Thank you to Abigail Geer at Mino Valley Sanctuary for her help and guidance, to Marina de Los Angeles for her help with the video, to Vildan Cirpan for kicking off the campaign and to everyone for sharing and donating.
(Images of Pixie, Johnny, Boulder and Star in video by Claudia Navyigan photography, Nicole and Tina by Vic McLoed)
Me llamo Nicole Eden y soy la fundadora de Eden Sanctuary en Mallorca, que dirijo sola. Eden Sanctuary es actualmente el hogar de 50 animales de 10 especies que vienen de un horrible maltrato, negligencia y/o de estar cerca de la muerte.
Muchos de ellos tienen problemas de salud crónicos como hipoplasia cerebelosa, asma, falta de miembros (o miembros parcialmente perdidos), enfermedad renal, laminitis y cáncer. Todos ellos reciben los cuidados individuales que necesitan para gestionar sus afecciones y vivir una vida feliz y libre hasta que estén preparados para dejar este mundo.
El terreno en el que vivimos ha sido vendido y nuestra única opción es comprar un terreno propio para que los animales no pierdan su hogar santuario y todo por lo que he luchado tanto, por ellos, durante los últimos 3 años.
Sólo tenemos 30 días para reunir el dinero que necesitamos o los animales perderán su hogar.
Este es el segundo hogar que hemos perdido, pero la compra de tierras podría alejar esta amenaza, de forma permanente.
Siempre supe, en algún lugar, de alguna manera, que el Santuario Edén existiría. No recuerdo una época en la que no amara a los animales. Cuando era pequeña me pasaba horas con nuestros pastores alemanes, ¡mi primera palabra fue el nombre de nuestro perro!
A los 10 años anuncié que me haría vegetariana y nunca miré atrás. Llevo 9 años siendo vegetariana.
Hace poco más de 3 años, mi pareja de entonces me dijo algo que cambió mi vida. Me preguntó por qué no estaba viviendo ya mi sueño de crear un santuario para los animales más maltratados, abandonados y olvidados. Le contesté "porque no tengo el dinero". A lo que él respondió: "Si esperas el dinero, nunca llegará, pero si lo haces, encontrarás el dinero".
Y así nació el Santuario Edén.
Mi primer rescate fue Karma, un cerdito que se había caído de un camión en la autopista, con el cordón umbilical aún atado. Crié con cariño a Karma, que era peleona y estaba un poco loca, a mano.
Rápidamente después vino su mejor amiga, Shanti, luego los corderos huérfanos, Solly que estaba acribillado por los gusanos y Star, ambos dejados morir por el granjero.
A los 3 meses mi pareja en ese momento se fue. Realmente no tengo tiempo para otra cosa que no sea el trabajo (que hago por libre para poder llevar el santuario) y los animales. Hay que ser un tipo de persona muy específico para vivir la vida de esta manera.
Me sentía fuera de mi alcance y muy sola en el campo, pero había prometido a estos animales una vida de libertad y estaba decidida a dársela. Cuando Karma enfermó y murió, casi perdí la esperanza. Al poco tiempo, la propietaria empezó a poner problemas y no firmó los papeles para que yo pudiera quedarme legalmente con los animales (aunque había prometido que lo haría).
Para entonces tenía 17 animales. Algunos literalmente tirados en contenedores o soltados en parques, abandonados en propiedades después de que los granjeros que ya no tenían uso para ellos, se mudaran y los dejaran atrás, Miss Piggy, una cerda que había sido brutalmente atacada por perros y había perdido una oreja y un ojo, por nombrar sólo algunos. No podía fallarles.
Así que, con la ayuda de un agente inmobiliario local, encontramos un lugar rápidamente y nos mudamos. Me aseguraron que estaría a salvo durante 5 años. Teníamos el papeleo, un contrato de 5 años y un plan para que en los últimos 18 meses estuviera lista la hipoteca y así poder conseguir un lugar donde los animales pudieran vivir una vida larga y feliz, pudiera cuidarlos y dejárselos cuando me fuera.
Desde entonces más de 100 animales han pasado por nuestras puertas y hasta el 2021 no recibí apenas ayuda.
En diciembre de 2020 perdí mi trabajo por culpa del COVID y desarrollé un problema de salud MUY grave que podría haberme matado. Estuve en A&E 12 veces en 10 semanas. El 20 de diciembre estaba tumbado en el frío al final de la carretera con el dolor más agobiante que he sentido en mi vida. Sólo podía pensar en los animales. Quién cuidaría de ellos si yo no pudiera estar allí.
Me ingresaron en el hospital y, afortunadamente, no tuvieron que operarme. Me animaron a pasar la noche, pero me negué y finalmente me dieron el alta, todavía con mucho dolor. Me dieron el alta a las 4 de la mañana y a las 8 ya estaba levantada, atendiendo a los animales, como he hecho todos los días de su vida que han pasado conmigo.
En enero estuve a punto de perder el santuario por completo, no había dinero, no tenía trabajo y estaba enferma. El día que anuncié que no podía seguir, era sólo una cáscara de mí misma.
Por un milagro, la isla se unió y nos salvó.
Finalmente conseguimos todas las vallas que necesitábamos, nuevos refugios, voluntarios, más donaciones mensuales y las cosas funcionaban mejor que nunca.
Entonces, dos días antes de mi cumpleaños, recibí una carta en la que se decía que teníamos que irnos.
Ahora volvemos a necesitar tu ayuda
¿Por qué es importante?
Porque me dedico a los animales, ellos son mi vida y yo la suya.
Porque he dado todo lo que tengo para darles la vida que se merecen
Porque no estoy dispuesta a rendirme
Porque necesitan estar juntos
Porque sus voces necesitan ser escuchadas
Porque se merecen estabilidad
Porque más animales necesitan mi ayuda y la seguridad del santuario
Tengo mucho miedo de que los animales pierdan su hogar y nosotros perdamos todo por lo que hemos luchado.
Pero no tiene por qué ser así.
Con tu ayuda podemos construir un santuario para siempre que vaya viento en popa, que pueda acoger a muchos, muchos más animales que lo necesiten desesperadamente, durante muchos, muchos años más.
Tenemos 30 días para reunir el dinero antes de que se nos acabe el tiempo para hacer la compra y mudarnos antes de nuestra fecha límite.
POR FAVOR, ACTÚE AHORA por los animales
Recaudación de fondos
(También estoy buscando personas que puedan estar dispuestas a invertir a través de una hipoteca privada legalmente vinculante, por favor póngase en contacto conmigo si puede ayudar de esta manera).
Muchas gracias, desde el fondo de mi corazón por todo su amor y apoyo.
Espero que Santuario Edén siga siendo un lugar donde pueda acogeros un día, para mostraros en persona la increíble diferencia que hemos hecho en la vida de los más olvidados y las más olvidadas.
Todo nuestro amor,
Nicole y los animales xxx
Gracias a Abigail Geer del Santuario de Mino Valley por su ayuda y orientación, a Marina de Los Ángeles por su ayuda con el vídeo, a Vildan Cirpan por iniciar la campaña y a todos por compartir y donar.
Nicole Eden
Alaró, IB