Land's End to John o'Groats and back (equivalent)
Cirencester Rotarians and partners are donning their walking boots in a group sponsored walk in aid of their chosen charities Big Yellow Bus Project http://www.bigyellowbusproject.co.uk/the-project/ and Cotswold Counselling http://www.cotswold-counselling.org.uk through our registered charity ROTARY CLUB OF CIRENCESTER TRUST FUND. Every penny raised will be used in direct support of the two charities
Fittingly, they are starting their walk on 10th October which is World Homelessness Day and World Mental Health Day.
Between them, they aim to complete 830 locally-walked miles by 8th November, this being the equivalent walking distance from Land’s End to Cirencester to John o’Groats.
Rotarian and walk organiser Andy Kerr said; “This fund raising activity will not only benefit our chosen local charities but will see our members and their partners out in the fresh air for some Covid-safe exercise”.
There will be daily progress updates via https://www.facebook.com/Criencester-Rotary-Club-108689144196261
Fittingly, they are starting their walk on 10th October which is World Homelessness Day and World Mental Health Day.
Between them, they aim to complete 830 locally-walked miles by 8th November, this being the equivalent walking distance from Land’s End to Cirencester to John o’Groats.
Rotarian and walk organiser Andy Kerr said; “This fund raising activity will not only benefit our chosen local charities but will see our members and their partners out in the fresh air for some Covid-safe exercise”.
There will be daily progress updates via https://www.facebook.com/Criencester-Rotary-Club-108689144196261
Fundraising team: Ciren Rotary Walkers1 (2)
Rotary Club of Cirencester
Andrew Kerr
Team member