Landy O. Sabillon Death Is Serene
En Memoriam De Landy O. Sabillon
Born January 1, 1999 Died November 8, 2017
(English translation at bottom of page).
La muerte es serena, no más, deja que la vida se divida, lo que la muerte puede unir. A la edad de 18 años Landy O. Sabillon López completó su sueño de venir a los Estados Unidos. Huyendo de la persecución y empesar una vida mejor que prometía ayudar en la supervivencia de su familia en Honduras. Landy trabajó los días de su vida en Columbus, Ohio, para proporcionar alimentos, agua y refugio a su familia en su hogar. He tenido el honor de conocerlo en este viaje y considerarlo un hermano. Landy luchó con el hecho de que no podía regresar a Honduras para ver a su madre, que recientemente descubrió que tiene cáncer y comenzó a recaudar fondos para una operación que ella necesitaba. Landy sufrió un accidente automovilístico que lo condujo a su descanso eterno.
A Landy le sobreviven su hermana Yeidy Sabillon y su hermano Bryan Sabillon. Estamos profundamente afligidos por la pérdida física de nuestro hermano, pero nos recordamos mutuamente que él permanece vivo a través de nuestros recuerdos preciosos que compartimos y la risa. Estamos desesperadamente necesitados de ayuda financiera en los arreglos del funeral de Landys, arreglos funerarios y para enviarlo a casa para que su querida madre pueda verlo por última vez. Le pedimos en este momento su apoyo financiero y emocional. Landy descansa en paz y permanece vivo dentro de nosotros.
Death Is Serene, No More Let Life Divide What Death Can Join Together. At the age of 18 Landy O. Sabillon López completed his dream of coming to the United States. Fleeing persecution and a better life that was promising to aid in his family's survival in Honduras. Landy worked the days of his life in Columbus, Ohio to provide for food, water & shelter for his family back home. I have had the honor or meeting him in this journey and considering him a brother. Landy struggled with the fact he could not return to Honduras to see his mother which he recently had found out that has cancer and began to raise funds for an operation that she needed. Landy was in a motor vehicle accident that lead to his passing. Landy is survived by his sister Yeidy Sabillon and Brother Bryan Sabillon. We are deeply sorrowed by the physical loss of our brother but remind each other that he remains alive through our precious memories we shared and laughter. We are in desperate need of help financially in the arrangements of Landys memorial , funeral arrangements and to send him back home so his dear mother can see him one last time. We ask at this time for your support financially and emotionally. Landy Rests in peace and remains alive within us.
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