Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Investigating Swedish Crime Waves

Donación protegida

My name is Tim Pool. I am an award winning journalist who has helped pioneer the use of new technologies in conflict and field reporting. 

The goal of this campaign is to fund a trip for me and my Associate Producer to various cities in Europe, starting in Malmo, Sweden. We will be traveling and investigating the claims of "no go zones" and a rise in crime that people believe are coming from migrants and refugees.

We will be producing DAILY videos about our trip in the form of a Youtube travel vlog at as well as tweets, livestreams, and after we finish the trip we will make a medium length documentary about what we discovered.

The aim is to produce this VERY quickly so that we will have a medium length doc (20-30 minues) within the next few weeks. (Though this is a daunting and expensive task)

The money will be used to cover travel, accommodations, food, and equipment costs for the trip.

Typically a trip of this scale would be VERY expensive but we are producing all of this content at a loss because it is something we are passionate about.

As this project is funded by you I will not have to worry about being forced to "take a side" or choose a "perspective" but will be able to deliver our findings exactly as we discover them.

With your support we can dig deep, find the truth, and help make the world a little bit better.

Thank you!



  • Stephen Winter
    • $30
    • 8 años
  • Eric Swenson
    • $5
    • 8 años
  • Anónimo
    • $5
    • 8 años
  • robert frobenius
    • $20
    • 8 años
  • Karen Boyer
    • $50
    • 8 años


Tim Pool
Union City, NJ

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    Envía ayuda a la gente y las causas que te importan

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe