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Launching Kuungana (My African History project)

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I would like to launch an educational project for the black community in Bristol focused on African history and culture.

The project is called Kuungana and has the aim to offer different conferences to the black community where we will be presenting a specific topic of the African history and culture. This project will be running all year around.

Unfortunately, at school we do not have the chance to know more about our history outside of slavery and colonialism so through Kuungana that will be possible and mostly with information written by our African intellectuals. Kuungana would also like to offer a space where African descents will be able to express themselves about these topics.

We would like to launch the 1st conference as soon as possible but for that need some funds. Everything is almost ready except the budget to rent the venue, to pay the speakers, the food, etc.

I would be more than grateful if you could help me to make this project happen.

Many thanks, 



Zulayiha Umupfasoni

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