Laura Brooks Accident Recovery Fund
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Laura Rohrer Little Brooks, and I truly appreciate your taking the time to read my story. Some of you know my work , and may have noticed my voice was silent for awhile.
On the morning of February 28, 2023, I lost not only my truck but all of my survival preps and supplies less than 12 hours after publishing The Dioxin Protocol in response to the Ohio train derailment. The article and protocol for the Dioxin poisoning took five days to research, write and publish and much more arduous than expected, for I worked against a great deal of resistance from the Prince of the power of the Air and his tech giant minions which affect Believers who fight the Holy War online from their computers! Failed uploads, lagging, updates not saved needing multiple reloads. I had never experienced such a difficult time publishing an article.
The morning of the accident, February 28, 2023 dawned like a beautiful early Spring day. After the week of hyper-focusing on writing The Dioxin Protocol and getting it published, it seemed like a great idea to devote the day (it was a Tuesday) to Spring cleaning, and so I stripped my sheets, handmade quilts and elephant comforter and a bundle of clothes, and headed off to the laundromat. Returning on the twisting country road, a sudden intense blinding glare on my truck's windshield blinded me, causing me to swerve and my truck to leave the road where the pavement dropped over a foot with no shoulder on a sharp curve left on a hill falling away to the right. Due to the abrupt and steep shoulder drop, cutting the steering wheel sharply left, I attempted to put the right front tire back on the roadway, but this caused it to flip to the right and down the embankment. My last thought as my head jerked left was "This isn't good".
Despite the seatbelt (the airbags did not go off), I was ejected through the driver's window, my torso and skull pinned against the windshield, my legs like a ragdoll's on the driver's side door as the the truck rolled violently right, down the steep hill before coming to a stop upon me. (I realized after awaking from the coma was that an angel's hands had held me in place against the windshield as the thousands of pounds rolled before dragging me beneath it to a stop, upside down, bleeding and unconscious.) According to the police report, I laid lifeless on the side of the road in the ravine for nearly three hours before help arrived.

The accident occurred at approximately 9:20AM - I had just left the grocery on the way back from the laundry and the receipt timestamp proves this. Nearly four hours passed before I was airlifted. I was less than thirty feet from the road in broad daylight on the roadside, exposed for all to see. How many vehicles drove by yet did not call the police? The impression of my head in the windshield and torso on the hood crushed beneath the truck is visible in the photo. When EMS arrived I was removed with the Jaws of Life then airlifted to shock trauma where I arrived DOA, only able to be revived because I was touched by an angel.
I was in a coma for the first three days, with 12 to 14 broken vertebrae, at least 12 broken ribs that were surgically titanium strap and screw plated, my left shoulder and elbow were broken and nearly severed and now each have two plates and 20 screws, my left forearm was broken, my right pinky finger broken (left unset, now deformed), previous C4-C6 fusion from 2010 affected, my nose broken and septum repaired in two separate operations, my spleen was lacerated, my liver was nearly crushed, and numerous other soft tissue injuries and bruising.
I refused left knee surgery for tendon damage. Three in-hospital surgeries later I am blessed to be alive, independent, and able to walk and to write. My 2007 F-250 pickup truck and new shell cap was totalled. Loaded with my personal property, tools and supplies because I live in an older 17' camper in this life season, I was denied the ability to reclaim anything from the wreckage and lost all my preps and my truck. But not my life.
I was told by the towing company while in Intensive care and barely able to think, unable to speak, that all that was stored in it was included in the weight of the truck and was to be crushed for weight scrap at the junkyard, applied to additional charges added against towing and accident cleanup charges, for which I was charged $964.00 - which I paid. Purchased less than a year before, in actuality the material losses nearly tripled the truck's $18,000.00 value, reflecting recent engine work I had done and the brand new pickup bed shell cover. The truck was insured only for liability: the contents were not insured at all.
A few months after the accident I called the towing company to see if they had any of my preps and an employee told me that they had "sent my truck to auction long ago" - they auctioned it? They profited off of my losses.
Had I not been incapitated with half my vertebra and ribs fractured and my left arm rebuilt, broken nose, ruptured spleen and untold soft tissue injuries I could have managed to protect my belongings. But in hospital with no family or friends, acting as my own medical advocate in a medical system aggressively pushing PCR tests and Covid vaccinations to the point where I had to remain vigilant by choosing to be undermedicated in order to not be violated. Yet in that abject pain, I still witnessed to all who would listen, explaining health and healing and that our bodies are the Temple of God.
I launched this fundraiser because I believe that I was targeted and this was done through the use of AI which accessed my physical location because I had just used my debit card in the grocery store and less than 500 yards later a satellite or drone overhead - or maybe "an angel of light" in disguise - geolocated me, for suddenly in clear daylight with a clean windshield my field of view was completely obscured as if a spotlight was on it - there was no oncoming traffic, no reason for the glare - and when the swerve occurred I was actually leaning down to try to peek UNDER the light filling the windshield, the way you might to if you were trying to drive and hadn't waited for your windshield to defrost fully on a frosty day.
My work as Parasite and Toxin Detox Specialist has brought not only greater health to others and helped people come to a saving faith in God. Between the dire need for reliable transportation, the necessity of replacing preps and supplies, and outstanding medical bills, I must reach out for assistance. Any amount you are willing to contribute is a blessing which will be used directly for these needs so that I can continue to help others in this age we live in and now I must turn to you. If you aren't able to contribute at this time, I would be grateful if you would share this fundraiser with your family and friends. Your support means more than words can express. I thank you all.
In Christ's love,
Laura Brooks
Kirbyville, MO