Help Laura Buy A Pet Tag Machine
Dear CHC Family & Everyone Who Appreciates LAURA,
It's time for a GoFundMe for Laura Leland Montague (that's how you find her on FB) towards a Pet Tag Machine purchase.
Top 49 donors get a special gift. 100% of net proceeds, regardless of amount, all go to Laura. Link HERE .
Move over, Dog Whisperer.
We have a Dog Rescuer - the one & only Laura!
"Laura & The Freeway ‘Litter’" - A Series Of Very Unexpected Events
March 8, 2021, 4 PM: Thought I saw puppies by the 71. Circled back...Yes! The stuffed kind.
March 9, 2021, 1 PM: I went back, traced them to Hero Industries, whose owner loaded, drove the truck & littered the litter on the 71. Told them something good will come out of this. 20 were rescued, most missing an eye. Or two. All noses gone.
(Very special thanks to Eileen, who stopped thinking I had broken down, and made sure I was safe, using her SUV as a 'shield' while I picked up the pups!)
March 15, 2021: Finding out Laura was planning a garage sale for a USED, but still EXPENSIVE pet tag machine, my little brain had an idea.
April 13, 2021: Hero Industries donates 29 NEW pups for the fundraiser, with custom 91709 Rescue Pups vest. THANK YOU John Beck, for your generosity & unintentionally starting this; Michelle, who graciously welcomed me and arranging the generous gift; and everyone I met that day - Angie, Joelle, Ally, Lexy & Christine.
Search "Paws are clappin!" on Chino Hills Connections, and see how far down you can keep scrolling.
If your family includes a loved pet, you know Laura. Especially if that precious one is missing.
Once someone posts a picture, it doesn't take her long, from heading over to scan a found pet, often even knowing who its owner might be. Day or night!
Top 49 donors get a Very Special THANK YOU: a choice of ONE puppy, signed by Laura:
1. One of 20 "limited edition" freeway rescue pups (needs unconditional TLC); OR
2. One of 29 brand new plushes with 91709 Rescue Pups vest (STILL needs your unconditional TLC).
To find and pick YOUR favorite puppy, check out their individual glamor head shots below.
100% of proceeds go to Laura.
Laura will sign each puppy on the tag...
as well as the Certificate of Authenticity accompanying each one.
It's always nice to see Laura honored in the local paper for an outstanding citizen award. With over 20,000 CHC members, that's 25 CENTS from each one of us. Or just $1 from one of every 4 members. Or just $20 from one out of every 20 people. How about $250 from just 20 people?
Come on, CHC Family, it's a good time to get some PAWS CLAPPIN, for Laura!!!
(TBD: We'll announce how and when we'll meet to honor Laura and have the lucky owners meet up with their special pups.)
Glamor shots follow. First are #1 to #29 of the NEW, then #1 to #20 of the RESCUED ones.
They're ADORABLE. You've been warned before you look.
(For FULL figure and NUMBERED pictures, please go to HERE.
Now for the very special RESCUES.
Donate NOW .