Laura's Garden at American Indian College
Tax deductible
Just a year ago, American Indian College lost one of its most beloved professors, Laura Lea Sims. The area just outside her classroom, LAC 2, is undergoing a landscape renovation, and our plan is to include a brick path, new plantings, irrigation, and a new bench bearing her name and favorite verse. Before, between, and after classes, Laura could often be found sitting outside her room, greeting students or carrying on a conversation that was always a source of encouragement to students, staff, and faculty alike. Join us in creating this special space to commemorate a special woman of God who left us all too soon. There will be retaining walls to level this area and create a place that gives the entrance to the AIC campus a needed 'facelift,' so watch for updates as we reshape the past to welcome the future. Thank you for any amount you can contribute to this project. Please note: The total cost we need to raise is just for the memorial garden, not for any infrastructure changes. Donations can be made directly to SAGU-AIC by dropping a check by the Admin office on campus. P.S. We hope to have an unveiling in the future. Stay tuned!
Elesebeth Stevenson
Phoenix, AZ
American Indian College