Hi everyone, my name is Christina and my family is trying to raise money for the LIVING KIDNEY DONOR for my sister Lauren Lauletta.
Lauren has autosomal polycystic kidney disease. Due to other health conditions, Lauren is not able to receive dialysis nor be put on the national transplant list so my family is actively looking for a living kidney donor for Lauren. Though insurance will cover the transplant and anything health related due to the transplant, we thought raising money for accommodations, transport, meals and anything else for the DONOR would be a wonderful gift to them, since they would be giving the gift of life to my sister.
Lauren has been in kidney failure for years. Now, it is urgent. She is at only 11% kidney function and without dialysis, her time is very limited. She has an 11 year old son that needs his mother.
If you can find it in your hearts to donate a small amount to this fund, it will benefit the LIVING KIDNEY DONOR ONLY
We all thank you for your support and if you would like to apply to be a donor and receive whatever this GoFundMe accrues, please go to:
You will need to enter Lauren’s name: Lauren Lauletta and her birthday: 8/4/84 for the online application.
Again, thank you all so much and we hope we find a match soon!