Lauren's fundraising for Brain Tumour Research
Hello everyone!
My story.
On November 28th 2021, 5 weeks after giving birth for the third time, I had a tonic seizure followed by a CT scan in A&E. This showed a lesion growing in my brain that was approximately 5cmx4cm and had been pressing onto my brain, giving some slight symptoms for 6 weeks.
On several occasions, I experienced some confusion, loss of muscle control down my right arm/leg and loss of peripheral vision on the right.
Initially I presumed I was tired from having a newborn baby and slightly stressed from having a busy lifestyle.
These were focal seizures, without me realising.
I had brain surgery on December 16th 2021 to remove the tumour by Mr Harshal Ingale at Queens Medical Centre. He was able to remove most of the tumour but left some in place due to it growing around a major blood vessel.
Unfortunately the histology came back with the worst results possible. A stage 3 hemangiopericytoma. A rare and aggressive malignant tumour.
At this stage I'm awaiting a CT chest, abdomen and pelvis scan to see if the tumour has spread elsewhere, before treating the brain tumour with radiotherapy.
My fundraising.
I have entered the Derby 10k which I plan to run on April 10th to raise money for the Brain Tumour Research charity. My hope is to raise money for them to put more research into this rare type of tumour as there is currently very little knowledge about it.
For those of you who know me, you'll know how much of a passion I have for running and how I used to try and get out each day doing some buggy running.
The last time I ran 10k was almost a year ago and after my recent diagnosis along with pregnancy, I've lost a whole lot of leg strength and fitness BUT...my training has begun!
I continue to do a daily core/weights workout and I'm back out running again which feels truly amazing!
I'm hoping to complete the 10k race in sub 60 minutes, even better if it's under 57:44 which was my finish time 7 years ago.
I feel more determined than ever to build my strength and fitness up and truly believe it will help to get me through some of the difficult times ahead.
Any contributions that are made would mean the absolute world to me and I appreciate the support through my fundraising journey. :)
Thanks so much!
Lauren x
Lauren Champion
Brain Tumour Research