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Laurie Ford Cancer support fund

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Since posting Laurie's story a  year ago, we've seen lots of ups and downs.  It's time for a big update. 

Your generous donations covered much of Laurie's out of pocket medical costs for the year 2017.  Thank you isn't enough.  It gave her the peace of mind to be able to focus on her health rather than her finances.

During 2017 treatments we saw her cancer marker numbers decrease as she fought this horrible disease.  Numerous treatments, prayers, positive attitude and love helped make this happen.

In recent months, however,  those numbers have begun to climb again.  This indicates that new and more extensive treatments are necessary.  With that, comes a new round of out of pocket medical expenses in 2018.

Among those medical expenses is a test that would determine the exact type of chemo that would specifically target her type of cancer cells.  This test comes at a cost of $10,000 that is not covered by insurance.

In addition,  Laurie makes a three hour round trip drive for treatments 5 days a week.  These, too, are not covered by insurance.   She does this while continuing to hold down her full time teaching job.           

Living on a teacher salary is tight enough for the average person.   Add in special dietary needs, vitamins, supplements, additional medical tests and more, and it is easy to understand why  Laurie is stretched beyond her financial capability. 

This is why we come to you again.   In March 2017, she was given 3-6 months on this earth.  She has beaten the odds and  is determined to win this battle.  And with our love, prayers and financial support  she WILL keep fighting!


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Laura Killen-Wing
Windsor, CO
Laurie Ford

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