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Lavell Carlos Quinney Funeral & Family Fund

Donazione protetta
Hello, My name is Monique Quinney, Only and eldest sister to Lavell. On the night of April 3, 2023, Lavell Was tragically murdered outside my home and discovered by my children while returning home from visiting me when I was admitted to Henry Ford Hospital, West Bloomfield campus, for a Congestive Heart operation.

sadly, What an experience this heart has to endure.

At this time, Lavell didn't have life insurance and had only just been off parole for 3 days. and free for a total of 1 1/2 years- was not equipped enough just yet to satisfy the cost of his funeral services. If you all have it to give, we have created this space here to help us financially by sending our loved one home peacefully, receiving a decent service and memorial. we also would like to contribute a fund for his 2 children he hadn't seen since being free.

Thank You For Your Time!


Monique Quinney
Detroit, MI

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