Lavinia's Funeral Service
Donation protected
Lavínia Siqueira Carvalho, 23 anos
Lavínia foi encontrada já sem pulso no quintal de casa na madrugada do dia 28 de Fev, os sinais vitais foram reestabelecidos, foi entubada mas veio a falecer na tarde do mesmo dia.
A causa da morte ainda está sob investigação.
Infelizmente, ainda temos muita perguntas sem respostas sobre o que realmente aconteceu.
A pedido da família que está no Brasil, estaremos transportando o corpo pra ser velado lá.
Gostaria de pedir a quem puder colaborar ajudando nos custos do Funeral e traslado do corpo. Caso nao possa, agradeço imensamente se puder compartilhar a página.
A familia agradece
My name is Thay Mesquita, I am Lavínia's stepsister and am responsible for organizing her funeral and all the paperwork related to it. I am creating this page to help with the costs of Lavínia's funeral and transport back to her home country. Lavinía was a 23 year old girl, full of life, who sadly passed away under still unresolved circumstances. She has left a giant whole on her mother's and family's heart. There are still a lot of unanswered questions as the investigation develops.
She was found on her backyard with no pulse, regained her vitals signs, was intubated but despite all efforts, passed away during the afternoon on the same day.
If you can not donate, I ask you to please share this page.
The family appreciates
Thay Mesquita
Cumming, GA